Friday, November 30, 2007

The Church of Boston begins her Bicentennial Celebration!

This Sunday, December 2, 2007 at 2:00 PM, Cardinal Seán P. O'Malley will be joined by priests, religious, deacons and parishioners from around the Archdiocese of Boston celebrate the opening Mass for the bicentennial. The bicentennial celebration will be observed over the next twelve months concluding with a closing liturgy on Sunday, November 23, 2008 at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center.

The centerpiece of the yearlong celebration will be a comprehensive process of spiritual renewal. This process, now underway, is being be offered by RENEW International and is entitled ARISE: Together in Christ. Many events, talks and liturgical celebrations will take place during the course of the year.

For information on the entire celebration please visit will broadcast the opening Mass this Sunday beginning at 2pm. It will be available on its cable channel and online at

1 comment:

  1. I heard this Mass will be on again Monday at noon; Friday at noon and Saturday at 4pm. if you go to
