Tuesday, February 10, 2009

MLB Star Mike Sweeney , Former Miss America, and Transformers Actor to Pray the Rosary on Television

CatholicTV will debut a new production which features young adult celebrities praying the Rosary called “Rosary Stars”. The Rosary is a common way to pray for Catholics and usually includes the usage of a special beads called a Rosary to count the prayers.
CatholicTV is a nationally-broadcasted television station headquartered near Boston.

“Rosary Stars: Praying the Gospel” features champion athletes, actors, film directors, TV hosts, recording stars, authors and lecturers who emphasize the power of daily prayer of the Rosary and encourage viewers to live the Mysteries of the Rosary daily.

This past weekend a screening took place at the Pacific Design Center in Hollywood, California. Future screenings of Rosary Stars are scheduled throughout the year.
This uplifting series features such stars as 2006 World Series pitcher Jeff Suppan; five-time Major League All-Star Mike Sweeney; actor Matthew Marsden (Rambo and the upcoming Transformer sequel Revenge of the Fallen; TV host Matt Gallant (Animal Planet’s The Planet’s Funniest Animals); humanitarian, author and Rwandan genocide survivor Immaculée Ilibagiza; and Ali Landry, an actor and former Miss America.

“Rosary Stars” includes personal reflections by all 21 celebrities, teaching tools, and a historical timeline of the Rosary. In addition, the celebrities pray a decade of the Rosary. All the features are designed to promote a better understanding and appreciation of the Rosary and the Mysteries, especially among teenagers, young adults and families.

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