Friday, May 8, 2009

Catholic Fiction That Adheres To Magisterium? Author Discusses on Talk Show

Today, Andrew McNabb a Catholic writer and father of four, made an appearance on the CatholicTV talk show “This is the Day”. Andrew discussed his unique book “Body of This” which is a unique compilation of short stories which have themes of faith. The book discusses real-world struggles, like growing impatient with inconsiderate neighbors, and battles with sexual immorality.

Maria Sullivan was also on the show. She is a Catholic lawyer from Hawaii. Maria is Blessed Damien Fundraising Committee Chair from Blessed Damien Catholic Parish in Molokai, Hawaii.

In a recent interview with Lisa Hendey, Andrew said, “it is time for a literary renaissance. Millions line up to buy a book like “The Da Vinci Code”, which is utter rubbish, while serious Catholic writing can’t get published or goes unread. In a sense, we have ourselves to blame. One in four people in this country is Catholic.”

He also said, “If there were more unity among the Catholic population, the church would have more influence in a number of ways, and one of them is culturally, beating back the secular humanism that is destroying the moral fabric of our country. We need contemporary artists to counterbalance the co-option of popular culture.”

On “This is the Day” Maria Sullivan discussed how her community has come together to build a church named after Blessed Damien de Veuster, who won recognition for his ministry to people with leprosy, who had been placed under a government-sanctioned medical quarantine on the island of Molokai which is exactly where the new Church will be built.

These guests can be seen during our rebroadcast Saturday morning at 3:30AM (EST), & 6PM, and Sunday at 6:30PM

1 comment:

  1. I want to thank CatholicTV and Bonnie Rodgers, Jay Fadden and Fr. Reed, of course, for the opportunity to be on the show.

    And I want to thank those of you who tuned in, and who have visited my website; and, especially, those of you who have bought the book. There has been a modest spike in sales since the show aired. I ask that if you have an interest in literary Catholic writing, please buy the book. More help from the faithful is necessary to combat, in a contemporary, artful and yet unwavering way, the secular monopoly on the arts. Thank you!
