Friday, July 17, 2009

Former Miss America Ali Landry , Eduardo Verastegui, Mike Sweeney, and Immaculée Ilibagiza To Pray The Rosary on CatholicTV®

During the week of July 21th-26th CatholicTV will air “Rosary Stars”. “Rosary Stars” is a production which features young adult celebrities praying and reflecting upon the Rosary.

“Rosary Stars: Praying the Gospel” features champion athletes, actors, film directors, TV hosts, recording stars, authors and lecturers who emphasize the power of daily prayer of the Rosary and encourage viewers to live the Mysteries of the Rosary daily.

This uplifting series features such stars as 2006 World Series pitcher Jeff Suppan; five-time Major League All-Star Mike Sweeney; actor Matthew Marsden (Rambo and the upcoming Transformer sequel Revenge of the Fallen; actress Jessica Rey, TV host Matt Gallant (Animal Planet’s The Planet’s Funniest Animals); humanitarian, author and Rwandan genocide survivor Immaculée Ilibagiza; and Ali Landry, actress and former Miss America.

“Rosary Stars: Praying the Gospel” is a produced by Family Theater Productions. Father Patrick Peyton,CSC, through Family Theater produced more than 700 radio and TV programs that had some 10,000 broadcasts. He died on June 3, 1992, and his cause for sainthood was announced on June 1, 2001. Family Theater Productions, a division of Holy Cross Family Ministries continues Father Peyton’s media mission as a member of Holy Cross Family Ministries, Easton, Mass., sponsored by the Congregation of Holy Cross. Holy Cross Family Ministries serves Jesus Christ and His Church throughout the world by promoting and supporting the spiritual well-being of the family.

“Rosary Stars” will air at these times (Eastern): Tuesday-11:30AM; Wednesday-5AM; Friday-8AM; Sunday-10:30PM

Both Jessica Rey and Immaculée Ilibagiza have been featured on the CatholicTV talk show “This is the Day”. Click below to view the episode featuring Power Ranger actress, Jessica Rey.

1 comment:

  1. A magical journey into the heart felt prayer that our Blessed Mother bestowed upon us. I've seen this DVD over and over and continue to pull nuggets of wisdom from it's presentation.
