Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ugandan Bishop and Catholic Businessman Will Discuss Leadership and Martyrdom on CatholicTV

On Friday, July 17th, CatholicTV’s talk show “This is The Day” will feature Bishop Paul Ssemwogerere of Kampala, Uganda and Dr. Owen Phelps, journalist, entrepreneur, and educator. Bishop Ssemwogerere will talk about the Ugandan community and the Feast of the Ugandan Martyrs during the show.

During his interview on “This is the Day”, Bishop Ssemwogerere will describe the story of the Ugandan Martyrs, St. Charles (a.k.a Carl) Lwanga and his companions. St. Charles worked in the court of King Mwanga during the late 1800’s. St. Charles and his 11 companions were burnt alive by the King after refusing to participate in homosexual acts (source: Americancatholic.org & Wikipedia.org).

Also on the show will be Dr. Owen Phelps. Dr. Phelps is a recognized and well-respected Catholic journalist, author, entrepreneur and educator. He currently serves as Director of the Yeshua Catholic International Leadership Institute, an organization dedicated to developing “Jesus-like” leaders among the Church’s clergy and laity worldwide. Dr. Phelps is a consultant to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Communications Committee (USCCB), and a member of the faculty in Cardinal Stritch University’s College of Business and Management. He has presented highly-acclaimed leadership seminars to business and ministry leaders across the country and is an award-winning newspaper columnist, editor, and publisher. Dr. Phelps is the publisher of The Catholic Leader e-newsletter and writes a column on leadership in The Catholic Journalist.

Dr. Phelps is a certified “Lead Like Jesus” facilitator. “Lead like Jesus” is a non-denominational program and movement started in 1999 by Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges. Dr. Phelps recognized a need to enhance this popular leadership program for Catholic audiences, including clergy and lay leaders within the Church. The Catholic Vision for “Leading Like Jesus” is the result of that expansion. Married for 43 years, Dr. Phelps insists that “my primary vocation is husband and father—and, more recently, grandpa. Everything else comes after that.”
These guests can be seen on Friday, July 17th live at 10:30AM (EST) on CatholicTV where available (rebroadcast at 8PM). The show will also be streamed simultaneously at http://www.catholictv.com/ and will be available on the site’s archives starting Friday night. All videos at the website are viewable in full-screen. Paste this URL into your browser in order to access the “This is the Day” video archives. http://www.CatholicTV.org/shows/default.aspx?seriesID=72

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