Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Young Catholics Make Fun Videos To Teach Faith- L.A. Actor/President Will Be Interviewed on CatholicTV Talk Show

“Why should I have Catholic friends?” and “Why should I go to Mass?” are just a couple of questions which Young Catholic Minute tries to answer in their fun, engaging, and substantial short-videos. Young Catholic Minute (YCM) is a group of young actors and film producers who use catchy videos to evangelize for the Catholic faith. The President of YCM, Eric Johnson, will discuss the ministry during an interview with CatholicTV on October 2nd via SKYPE. The interview will be viewable live at and on CatholicTV where available.

One YCM video (shown above) answers the question “Why should I have Catholic friends?” by showing a young man going through darkness until he gets scared by some cob webs, a skeleton, and a “monster” in a closet. The young man then talks about how in horror movies, the characters are usually killed when they go alone. He then explains how just the same, Catholics should not try to “go it alone” in life, but rather should seek “good Catholic friends to make sure they’re heading in the right direction”.

President Eric Johnson is an actor originally from Minnesota, where at the University of Minnesota – Duluth, he came back to the Catholic Church after years as a neo-ChristoPagan and a few years as a cafeteria Catholic. Since then, he has come to cherish the unique and authentic aspects of the Catholic Church.

Also on the show “This is the Day”, will be Anna P. Rae, Founder of ARK ministries. ARK ministries supports speaking engagements, devotional and educational presentations, adult faith formation programs, retreats and other ministries as well. Anna P. Rae was born in Glasgow, Scotland. Anna has worked for thirty years in the Christian education field as a college professor, faith formation coordinator, and school teacher at all grade levels in Scotland and North America.

These guests can be seen on Friday, October 2nd live at 10:30AM (EST) on CatholicTV where available (rebroadcast at 8PM). The show will also be streamed simultaneously at and will be available on the site’s archives starting Friday night. All videos at the website are viewable in full-screen. Paste this URL into your browser in order to access the “This is the Day” video archives.

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