Friday, October 2, 2009

Globe-Trotting Nun To Be Featured in Interview on CatholicTV

On Tuesday October 6th, Sister Janet Hockman will be featured in a television interview on the CatholicTV talk show “This is the Day”. Sister Janet has worked with the poor in Nepal and the Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean. Each of these places has its own culture and language. She has been with the Maryknoll Sisters since 1986.

CatholicTV is a nationally-broadcasted television network headquartered near Boston. CatholicTV streams its broadcast simultaneously, 24 hours a day at

Not long after her studies, Sister Janet was assigned to the Central Pacific Region, where she ministered to the people of Majuro in the Marshall Islands. As a trained spiritual director, Sister Janet has used her talents directing retreats, counseling, and forming prayer groups among the people in Micronesia. In 2005, she was assigned to Nepal, where the per capita income is less than $500. In Nepal, Sister Janet was engaged in educational and retreat-formation work.

In 2009, Sister Janet was assigned to lead the Vocation Ministry of the Maryknolls. Sister Janet works to connect with the young people who will make up the next generation of Maryknoll missioners.

Founded in 1912, Maryknoll Sisters were the first group of Catholic Sisters in the United States to devote their lives in service overseas.

Maryknoll Sisters come from 29 countries and serve in 30 lands around the world. The sisters work in small numbers in many places and in non-structured ministries such as basic Christian communities, adult education, leadership training, teaching English in China, fostering income-generating projects, and working with people who live with HIV/AIDS.

The Maryknoll headquarters is located in Ossining, New York, while the orientation program for new members is in Chicago, Illinois. Women who join the community are trained in a variety of professions, serving as nurses, doctors, teachers, social workers, catechists, theologians, agronomists, artists, journalists and community development specialists. The sisters are sensitive to local needs, searching out with the local people what needs to be done and adapting themselves to various cultures.

Sr. Janet’s interview will take place on Tuesday, October 6th live at 10:30AM (EST) on CatholicTV where available (rebroadcast at 8PM). The show will also be streamed simultaneously at and will be available on the site’s archives starting Tuesday night. All videos at the website are viewable in full-screen. Paste this URL into your browser in order to access the “This is the Day” video archives.

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