Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Miraculous Medal and Devotion to Be Discussed on CatholicTV Talk Show
On October 16th, the Shrine of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal and devotion to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal will be discussed on the CatholicTV talk show “This is the Day”. The Director of the Central Association of the Miraculous Medal, Fr. Carl Pieber, C.M. will discuss the shrine and the special Marian devotion. Last year, the association distributed more than $300,000 to the poor and needy (source:
The Central Association of the Miraculous Medal was established in 1915, by Father Joseph Skelly, C.M. The purpose of The Central Association is to propagate and increase devotion to Mary Immaculate by encouraging devotion to Mary under her title of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. The Association continues this work today along with the education and formation of men for the priesthood and brotherhood in the seminaries of the Congregation of the Mission; support of the aged and infirm Vincentians of the Eastern Province of the Congregation, the parent body of The Central Association of the Miraculous Medal and the support of the apostolic works of the Eastern Province on behalf of the poor. More information about the Association may be found at
CatholicTV is a nationally-broadcasted television network headquartered near Boston. CatholicTV streams its broadcast simultaneously, 24 hours a day at
During his interview on “This is the Day”, Fr. Pieber will discuss the shrine of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal in Philadelphia, PA. The shrine was built in 1927 and features a large statue of Mary. The statue is made of Carrara marble which is so rare and so expensive that seldom is it used by artists. The tabernacle in “Mary’s Central Shrine” is also made with fine marble. The stained glass windows in the shrine each contain medallions which portray incidents from the life of Mary from her birth to her coronation in heaven.
During his interview, Fr. Pieber will discuss the story of St. Catherine Labouré and the Miraculous Medal. Saint Catherine Labouré was a sister of the Community of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul in Paris. Here, during the first months of her novitiate, she witnessed a number of apparitions of the Blessed Virgin, who confided to her the mission of having the Miraculous Medal made. She died in 1876 and 57 years later, her body was exhumed and found to be in perfect condition. Her body now resides in a glass coffin in the Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal in Paris, France.
Fr. Pieber’s interview can be seen on Friday, October 16th live at 10:30AM (EST) on CatholicTV where available (rebroadcast at 8PM). The show will also be streamed simultaneously at and will be available on the site’s archives starting Friday night. All videos at the website are viewable in full-screen. Paste this URL into your browser in order to access the “This is the Day” video archives.
thanks for info. i'll be sure to watch. i have a real devotion and need prayers. thanks again. ginni