Monday, December 7, 2009
30th Anniversary of Death of Fulton Sheen Mass to Be Celebrated By Archbishop Timothy Dolan at and on CatholicTV
On Wednesday, December 9th, CatholicTV will air the Mass celebrating the 30th anniversary of the death of Servant of God Archbishop Fulton Sheen. The Mass will take place at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York and Archbishop Timothy Dolan will be the principal celebrant and homilist.
The Archbishop Fulton John Sheen Foundation is the official promoter of the Cause for the Canonization of Archbishop Sheen. CatholicTV supports the foundation's mission to introduce a new generation to the holy priest, missionary and communicator, Fulton J. Sheen, and to move the Church to proclaim him a saint. John Monahan narrated a retrospective of Archbishop Sheen which may be seen at the following site
Archbishop Sheen once served as the Director of the Pontifical Mission Society, the Propagation of the Faith. During this assignment, in 1951, he began what is known as the Mission Rosary. The rosary is said in the usual way; the beads are what make it distinct. The decades are represented by different colors, each standing for an area of the world: green for Africa, red for the Americas, white for Europe, blue is for Oceania (the island countries in the pacific) and the amber is for the Asian continent. When we pray the Mission Rosary, we pray for the people of those areas and the missionaries that serve them. Archbishop Sheen used to say that "...when you pray the World Mission Rosary, you've embraced the whole world in prayer."
Please join CatholicTV in honoring Servant of God, Archbishop Fulton Sheen during the Mass which will stream at and simultaneously on CatholicTV at 8PM Eastern Time.
CatholicTV regularly airs special events in the Catholic Church. More information on December Church programming on CatholicTV can be found at
I always look forward to an opportunity to learn more about Fulton Sheen! Thanks for broadcasting the Mass and mentioning the World mission Rosary. the most important thing we can do for the spread of the Gospel around the world is to pray for it!