Thursday, December 31, 2009
Project Hope and Compassion update from Fr. Mockler
Fr. Peter Mockler, pastor of St. Ann's Parish in Mississippi shares an update on the Project Hope and Compassion (PHC) efforts. St. Ann's provides accommodations for those volunteers helping to restore the Gulf Coast. PHC is a tremendous ministry and the hospitality will touch your heart, if you ever get a chance to go, don't miss catfish night!
Fr. Mockler has been a guest on CatholicTV's This is the Day program, as has Samantha Ormond, a young adult from Acton, MA, who serves as a long term volunteer at PHC. Here is his recent update:
“Its been fifty two months since Katrina visited our shores, destroyed our property and changed our lives .Thank God we have come to the end of another Hurricane season and we can continue to recover. Uppermost in our minds in this season of giving and thanksgiving are the wonderful people who have come to our aid over the past four years through Project Hope & Compassion. PHC has played a significant role in the relief, recovery,and rebuilding effort post Katrina. We are so grateful to the thousands of volunteers who left what they were doing and put their lives on hold to come to our aid. We had no idea prior to Katrina how many Big Hearted people there were across the country who would touch our lives with healing.and renew our Hope. Although (the)Katrina recovery has moved off the newspapers,and many relief programs have shut down, we at PHC continue to be blessed with generous support and many volunteers, and we are resolved to continue our efforts until recovery is complete or we exhaust our resources.”
Project Hope and Compassion “Camp Hope” in Lizana, MS
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