Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Catholic Comedian Nick Alexander to Appear on CatholicTV Talk Show

On March 19th, Catholic comedian and musician Nick Alexander will appear on the CatholicTV talk show “This is the Day”.

Nick is a dynamic Catholic-Charismatic-Christian comedian/worship-leader/speaker. He has three comedy albums out and also approaches his audience in a way that is engaging, funny, heartfelt, and effective.

This is the Day airs at 10:30AM ET at and on CatholicTV. The show is rebroadcast at 7:30PM. The show is hosted by the Director of the CatholicTV Network, Father Robert Reed, and General Manager, Jay Fadden.

Nick’s career began in college when he began writing and performing worship songs with a college ministry group. Out of the blue, Nick was inspired to write a parody to Bob Seger's "Old Time Rock and Roll," influenced, no doubt, by his teen fascination with Weird Al Yankovic. "It wasn’t meant to be recorded," Nick says, "it was meant as a joke.” Nick continued to write comical tunes when he had the time. His focus, however, was still on serving in various worship settings.

Late one night, he played some of his parody tunes for some other musicians and was caught completely off guard by their reaction. "The response to these parodies was so over and beyond what I had initially expected," he remembers. "It was as if the entire group literally forced me to reckon with this talent that I had very comfortably buried. And right away I saw the possibilities of standing out in a crowd, and of finding comedy that uplifts, teaches, and is respectful of our faith.”

Author Kerry Weber will also be interviewed on This is the Day. Kerry wrote the book “Keeping the Faith: Prayers For College Students”, which she plans to talk about on the show. Kerry was Associate Editor of Catholic Digest magazine for three years before she began her present graduate studies at the School of Journalism, Columbia University.

An excerpt from the beginning of her book says: “Here, in this chapel, in the presence of God, I was no longer a nameless freshman, walking in a wandering herd. I bore no label. I was still scared, unsure, and looking for the place where I fit in; but I was no longer alone. God knew me, knew why I was here, and felt no need to make small talk about my major or my hometown.”

So begins this book of very realistic prayers about college life. Kerry expresses all the familiar emotions, all the highs and lows, all the fears and dreams that every college student experiences. She learned early on in her own college life that she couldn’t cope without God’s guidance and she clung to her faith to see her through. She makes a compelling case for staying close to God from the first unfamiliar days on campus, to the moment of graduation.

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