Friday, March 5, 2010

CatholicTV Will Attend Upcoming Educational and Men’s Conferences in New England

On March 13, CatholicTV will exhibit at the Rhode Island Catholic Men’s Conference, the Rhode Island Diocesan Faith Formation Workshop Day and Men’s Conference, as well as the Springfield Men’s Conference in Springfield, Massachusetts.

The Rhode Island conferences will include Mass with Cardinal Sean O’Malley of the Archdiocese of Boston, while the Springfield Men’s Conference will feature keynote speakers, Raymond Arroyo, Francisco “Paco” Gavrilides, Patrick McCaskey, Michael Preisler and Father Warren Savage.

For the Diocese of Springfield, it is the Eighth Annual gathering; the 2010 theme is “GROW IN HOLINESS”. The day is hosted by Bishop Timothy McDonnell, Bishop of Springfield; facilitator for the day is Catholic evangelist and singer Sean Forrest.

The Diocese of Providence is host to two conferences on the campus of Bryant University: the 43rd Annual Diocesan Religious Education Workshop Day and the Rhode Island Men of St. Joseph Diocesan Conference. The theme is focused on the diocesan mission of a Year of Evangelization.

CatholicTV will be attending both conferences in support of the events and also to spread the good news about CatholicTV and its programming.

At a recent conference where CatholicTV was also an exhibitor, conference attendees decided to support CatholicTV by writing letters to their local cable carrier asking them to add CatholicTV to their channel lineup. These letters were a significant factor in the cable carrier’s decision to add CatholicTV to its channel lineup.

CatholicTV will also be attending the upcoming Worcester Men’s Conference, the Springfield Women’s Conference, and the Cable Show in Los Angeles, California to promote CatholicTV in the furthest reaches of the country.

CatholicTV recently broadcasted the Boston Catholic Women’s Conference. Video footage is viewable now at:

More information about these conferences can be found at the following web addresses:

The Rhode Island Diocesan Religious Education and Faith Formation Workshop Day

Springfield Men’s Conference

Rhode Island Catholic Men’s Conference

Springfield Women’s Conference in Springfield, Massachusetts

Worcester Men’s Conference- Worcester, Massachusetts

The 2010 Cable Show- Los Angeles

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