Monday, March 29, 2010

The Easter Exercises--from Author Chris Benguhe

Chris has appeared on CatholicTV's talk show "This is the Day"

7 Days of Simple Exercises to Turn on Your Heart!
Times are tough all over. People everywhere are struggling more than in decades. Add to that all the timeless tension of living your everyday life – struggles at home and on the job (if you have one!). Here is a series of 7 very easy exercises you can do this week to prepare for the rejuvenating magic of Easter. They will not take more than a minute or two each day.

Day 1
Pick someone you love and write down why are they special to you. (THIS DOES NOT HAVE TO BE ROMANTIC, JUST ANYONE YOU LOVE!)

Day 2
Think about the nicest thing anybody did for you today or last week.

Day 3
Think about the kindest thing you did for anybody else today or last week.

Day 4
Recall something positive that you saw somebody else do THIS week to help someone else that filled your heart with happiness.

Day 5
Reflect on the person you picked on Day 1 and write about how their love and support for you has changed your life in one simple sentence.

Day 6
Read the person you wrote about on Days 1 and 5 what you wrote..

Day 7 (Easter!)
Go to Church – Smile at everyone there. Observe all the love that’s there. Tell God how much you love Him and spend the rest of the day spreading that love everywhere you go!

All materials above are From Chris Benguhe’s latest book “Overcoming Life’s 7 Common Tragedies: Opportunities for Discovering God,” available at which examines the positive potential of tragedy to bring people closer to each other and to inspire them to realize their ultimate purpose. Chris also pens a regular column for our good friends at the Catholic Sun in Phoenix, Arizona.

It’s not about whether the glass is half full or half empty, but about the value of the glass – the glass of our lives is always valuable.

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