Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Seek the Lord Everywhere and in Everyone!

We have been entrusted with such incredible abundance. We live in one of the few places in the world that has clean, running water, we have a refrigerator (or as my dad would call it, a “Frigidaire”) full of food, and a bank account from which we can at least attempt to pay off our credit cards. We even take for granted the luxury of watching this reflection on a desktop or laptop that we can actually afford to own.

Then, apart from our material wealth, perhaps we have also been entrusted with the freedom to live and practice our Faith. We have been entrusted with the power to choose our own leaders, to pursue an education, and to live wherever we'd like.

There is no doubt that we have been given much. Now what does that abundance demand of us?

We do not know the hour when the Son of Man will come again. Those words conjure up in us a sense of the end of the world; however, I like to think of that “hour” in another way. We should be ready to greet God whenever He appears in our lives through events and other people. Sure, we should be ready to meet God at the end of our lives, but hopefully that will be quite natural since we have been recognizing Him all along the way.

Jesus taught us, His disciples, a truth, profound in its simplicity and daily application: whatever you do for one of these least brothers and sisters of mine, you do for me.

Some time ago, a stranger appeared here at the studios of The CatholicTV® Network. She was using a walker and she said she had an appointment with me. So, I went to the lobby to speak with her. It was a confused and difficult conversation, but when I said good bye I gave her a hug and, at the moment, I was filled with the emotional realization that I had just encountered God.

At a moment we least expect, God might enter our life through a stranger or someone in need and we should be prepared to greet that person as though he or she were Jesus, Himself.

Seek the Lord in all things and in all the people you meet. You and I have been undoubtedly blessed with more than we deserve. Much will be expected of us.

Seek the Lord while He may be found, especially in the Holy Eucharist we celebrate and share.

Father Robert Reed

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