Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Papal Visit to United Kingdom Including Audience with Anglican Clergy To Be Televised on CatholicTV

From September 16th-19th, CatholicTV will air the Pope’s 4-day Papal visit to the United Kingdom.

The Pope’s visit will include meetings with young people in Scotland and England, meetings with the Queen and the Anglican Archbishop, a parade in Scotland, the beatification Mass for John Henry Cardinal Newman.

Coverage of these events will air September 16th-19th at noon and rebroadcast at 8PM (Eastern) each day. This coverage will be viewable at CatholicTV.com and on CatholicTV cable outlets.

Below is a brief summary of CatholicTV coverage of the Holy Father’s visit:

Sept. 16th- Papal visit with Queen Elizabeth II ; Open-air Mass at Bellahouston Park, Scotland

Sept. 17th- Pope Benedict XVI’s meeting with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Douglas Williams

Sept. 18th- Mass with the Pope at Westminster Cathedral, Wales

Sept. 19th- Beatification Mass of Cardinal John Henry Newman with Pope Benedict at Cofton Park, Birmingham. Deacon John Sullivan of St. Thecla Parish in the Archdiocese of Boston has been invited to assist and proclaim the Gospel at the Mass of beatification for Cardinal Newman. Deacon Sullivan experienced the miracle healing of his spinal condition, which led to the advancement of the cause of beatification of Cardinal Newman.

Archived Papal Programming can be accessed any time at www.CatholicTV.com/Pope-Benedict-xvi (including Feast of the Assumption Mass, Pallium Mass, Papal Visit to Cyprus, and more).

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