Friday, February 25, 2011

March and Lent Programming Will Include James Dean, Servant of God Fulton Sheen, and Pope Benedict on CatholicTV

Lent begins on March 9th (Ash Wednesday) with Masses all day. It also marks the beginning of special Lenten programming on CatholicTV available via programming will include “Hill Number One”, the film in which James Dean made his film debut.

The Lenten programming will also include programs starring Fulton Sheen. Coverage of Vatican events with Pope Benedict XVI will also be a part of the Lent and Holy Week on CatholicTV.

This Lenten programming can be seen via live stream at and on CatholicTV cable outlets.

Programming Highlights For Lent and Easter include (all times Eastern):

Ash Wednesday Mass with Pope Benedict XVI- March 9th at noon & 8PM

Hill Number One- A respectful interpretation of what might have happened among Jesus' followers in the three days before the crucifixion. James Dean plays the role of “John”. March 7th at 10:30PM

Fulton Sheen: The Psychology of the Irish. March 17th 12:30 PM & 9:00 PM

Lenten Musical Concert with Catholic Singer Tajci- Tajci sings about the crucifixion along with cellist Janel Leppin and singer Sanya Mateyas. During the week starting April 11th: Monday 12:00 PM Wednesday 5:00 AM Friday 8:00 AM Sunday 10:30 PM

A Path to Glory- Msgr. Zenz from the Archdiocese of Detroit hosts this series presenting each Sunday Gospel for Lent portrayed by actors, followed by a theological reflection. Wednesday 2:30 PM Saturday 3:30AM

Stations of the Cross- From the CatholicTV chapel on Fridays at 6AM, noon, 6PM

Lenten Reflections from Father Reed- Father Reed shares reflections based on the book “A Lenten Journey with Jesus Christ and St. Therese of Lisieux.” A different reflection every day at 11 a.m., after the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and evening Mass as well as during Blink throughout the week.

“Living Lent” reflections by Father Warren Savage of the Diocese of Springfield (MA) based on his book “ Mindful Mediations for Everyday of Lent”. These will air every day during Lent right before the evening Rosary at 6:30PM.

The Fifth Gospel: The Land and Sea of Galilee-Filmed in the Holy Land, narrated by Mike Farrell, the Fifth Gospel connects viewers to the locations where Jesus lived and taught. During the week starting April 4th: Friday 9:30 PM-10:30 PM Saturday 1:00- 2:00 PM

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fr. Reed on the Upcoming Lenten Season

Here we go again; Lent is just around the corner. I must admit, I sort of like Lent. It’s a sparse and unique season; it has a great prize at its end. Let’s face it…we’re dying for spring, and Easter and new Life. I mean, we are literally dying!

So, here we go again. Our annual season of owning up to sin, of asking God to help us change our lives. A time of self denial, of giving and of prayer for a better life. Perhaps you are aware that the word ‘Lent’ comes from the old English word for Spring, ‘Lenten’ or ‘lengthen’ – so called because the days get longer, the darkness recedes and there is more light. So, these forty days are a perfect chance to become more like Jesus Who is the light of our world; to become more what we were created to be…to develop a deep friendship with the God who created us. And the Lord reminds us of three ways to do just that: fasting, giving alms and prayer.

As you know, it all begins with ashes. Let’s not forget that this sign imposed on our heads is really a call to interior change and a reminder that life in this world is finite, but God is eternal. Herein lies the great opportunity of these coming forty days: come back to Jesus; live more as He lived this life…always with the hope that we will live with Him in glory!

So, however you get from ashes to Easter, that will be up to you this year. Really try to make this Lent a time when you become more like the Lord Jesus. Don’t be afraid to change and to you offer yourself, your life to God and to those around you. Lent is a wonderful opportunity. Go to for all of the CatholicTV Network's Lenten Programming information.

CatholicTV Viewers Form Unique Online Prayer Community

In 2010, the CatholicTV® Network launched its own social networking site at Since its inception, members have formed a unique prayer and support community.

One member from New Mexico recently started a discussion at the site’s forums requesting prayers for his daughter who suffered cardiac arrest after a sudden illness. Many members began praying and the girl recently was able to smile after recovering from a coma.

One member from New York state wrote: “Wonderful news about Kristin* smiling! Maybe she's seeing Jesus and can't tell us ... you never know. I don't even know her, but I really love this little girl. May God continue to improve her condition, healing her of everything, one step at a time. All in His loving Will.”

Not only have iCatholic members formed a prayer community, but they also use the site to ask advice from one another and share stories about their faith. For example, in one recent popular discussion, a member from Hudson, Massachusetts asked how to best deal with workplace gossip. Another member from Salt Lake City shared the story of how he and his wife experienced the supernatural scent of roses when visiting the relics of St. Therese of Lisieux.

What makes the iCatholic Online Community unique is the amount of Catholic content. For example, members have posted videos about Catholic persecution by the Nazi’s during World War II, videos of pro-life speakers, music videos by Catholic artists and much more.

The very popular social networking site, will go offline this week. Father Robert Reed extended an invitation to discover “As a member of 4Marks, I am sad to see this creative and well maintained site for Catholics end its service. It is my sincere hope that many more Catholics and those interested in the Church will discover as a powerful way to connect with fellow believers and find fellowship and prayerful support.”

*name changed for privacy

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Priests and Bishop of the Diocese of Worcester Tell Vocations Stories on CatholicTV

Starting this April, CatholicTV will air new episodes of the vocations-promoting series “Come Follow Me”.

Come Follow Me is a television program in which priests share the stories of their lives as priests and how they decided to become priests.

During one episode, Bishop Robert McManus of Worcester, Massachusetts told the story of the day he found out he was going to be named the new Bishop.

On that fateful day, then Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Gabriel Montalvo called McManus and said, “The Holy Father loves you very much,” “uh-huh” replied McManus. Montalvo continued, “the Holy Father has assigned you to the Diocese of Worcester. Do you accept?” “Yes I do.” Replied McManus. “Very good”, said Montalvo. “Write a letter to the Holy Father and tell him that you accept, and call me later on in the week.” McManus and show host, Fr. James Mazzone laughed as McManus recalled the story.

In April, CatholicTV will air new episodes of Come Follow Me. These episodes will include interviews of the following priests:

Fr. Paul Lemire, Fr. Stephen Johnson, Fr. Brian O'Toole, Fr. Larry Esposito, Fr. Nick Desimone.

These episodes will air each week at the following times (Eastern):

Monday 11:30 a.m.
Wednesday 6 a.m.
Friday 9 a.m.
Sunday 11:30 p.m.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

‘The Colbert Report’s Chaplain’ Fr. James Martin To Appear on Live CatholicTV Talk Show

On March 4th, Fr. James Martin, S.J. will appear on the live CatholicTV talk show “This is the Day”.

Fr. Martin has edited and authored over a dozen books and has even appeared numerous times on the popular television show “The Colbert Report” where he has been called, among other things, “The Colbert Report Chaplain”.

Fr. Martin will discuss his book The Jesuit Guide to Almost Everything which explains how the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola and of the Jesuits can be applied to real life in various ways to many different types of people and situations.

The book is unique in that it is written even with non-believers in mind and offers practical advice even for non-Christians.

Fr. Martin is culture editor of America magazine, and author of numerous books, including My Life with the Saints, which Publishers Weekly named one of the best books of 2006.

Father Martin is a frequent commentator in the national and international media, having appeared in such diverse outlets as Fresh Air, The O'Reilly Factor, NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Boston Globe, and on the History Channel, BBC, and Vatican Radio. Before entering the Jesuits in 1988 he graduated from the Wharton School of Business.

Karla Alfaro will also be interviewed on This is the Day. Karla is the President of CCC of America (CCC). CCC was founded in 1983 by an international group of young entrepreneurs who saw mass media, film production, and particularly family entertainment as a solid business opportunity and vital part of contemporary civilization.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

After 18 Years of Youth Ministry and Travel, Is It Worth It? Youth Ministry Vet Will Discuss on Live CatholicTV Talk Show

On March 1st, Christopher Kraker will be interviewed on the live CatholicTV talk show “This is the Day”.

Christopher is Associate Director at NET Ministries, which is best known for sending teams of young evangelists all over the country to give retreats to high school and middle-school-aged students.

During a recent training session for youth ministry, Kraker talked about how he and his wife had to make so many sacrifices for the sake of youth ministry, yet in the end, he felt that it was worth it.

Robert Allard will also be interviewed on This is the Day. Allard is the Director of Apostles of Divine Mercy, an organization whose purpose is “to spread Our Lord’s message of Divine Mercy.”

Allard has written for national magazines and newspapers and has appeared many times on radio and television. He and his wife Linda travel with one of the largest displays of Divine Mercy items and books.

Allard, who founded the Apostles of Divine Mercy, had a dramatic awakening in 1993 after being away from the faith for twenty-five years. He was then led to obtain and read the diary of St. Faustina. After finally going to Confession after about a 28-year absence and celebrating Divine Mercy Sunday for the first time, he experienced an outpouring of an ocean of graces like Jesus has promised to those who turn to His Mercy on that day.

Divine Mercy Sunday will be on May 1, 2011. This will also the date of the beatification of Pope John Paul II. CatholicTV will air this beatification Mass.

John Michael Talbot Concert Among Many Musical Programs on CatholicTV

Fr. Al Faretra (left)on the set of Going My Way with Fr. Chris Hickey

During the week starting February 28th, CatholicTV will air a John Michael Talbot concert. This concert is among many musical programs on CatholicTV including Christian rock videos, “The Joy of Music” with Diane Bish, the Catholic coffee house-style show “The Commons”, and “Going My Way”, which features singing priests, and much more.

Below are several musical programs on CatholicTV along with their air times (All times Eastern):

Going My Way: CatholicTV’s modern-day version of The Merv Griffin Show. It features Father Chris Hickey sharing his singing talent, as he is accompanied by his mentor, turned sidekick Father Paul Rouse on piano and a different guest priest for each episode. Monday 11 a.m. Tuesday 11 p.m. Thursday 8:30 p.m., Friday 5 p.m., Saturday midnight Sun 1:30 p.m.

The Commons: revealing interviews as guests discuss their songs, techniques, and living as a committed Catholic in today’s world. From a coffee-house setting, these artists provide new insights for living and new songs for prayer and worship. Wednesday 8 a.m. Thursday 3:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Saturday 9:30 p.m.

Revolution: alternative Christian music videos and Christian artists and athletes sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ through in-depth interviews. Tuesday 9:30 p.m. Thursday 1:30 a.m. Saturday 11:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.

The Joy of Music: “The First Lady of the Organ”, as she performs from magnificent cathedrals worldwide. The Joy of Music brings viewers to historic sites around the world with a combination of favorite classics, world-renowned guests, spectacular scenery, and local traditions. Bish combines all these incredible “Sights & Sounds” and “Musical Journeys” in programs of breathtaking beauty and inspiration. Tuesday 12:30 p.m. Wednesday 12:30 p.m. Thursday 6 p.m.

Airtimes for John Michael Talbot concert (week starting Feb 28th): Monday 10:30 p.m. Wednesday 2 p.m. Friday noon Sunday 2 a.m.

Young, Travelling Catholic Evangelists Giving 120-150 Retreats A Year? Director of NET Ministries To Be Interviewed on Live CatholicTV Talk Show

On February 22nd, NET Ministries will be discussed on the live CatholicTV talk show “This is the Day”.

Mark Berchem, Executive Director of NET Ministries will be interviewed on This is the Day.

NET Ministries is best known for its travelling teams of young evangelizers who go from town to town giving retreats to young people. Travelling teams typically lead from 120-150 retreats each year. These young adults travel in a van, living with host families with only one suitcase and one backpack of personal effects. NET retreats are offered for youth from grades 7 to 12. Volunteer contacts within each diocese or parish work with the NET office to book teams for retreats and select retreat themes and formats.
Author Fr. Andrew Gawrych will also be interviewed on This is the Day. Fr Andrew is the co-author of the book “You Have Redeemed the World: Praying the Stations in the Holy Cross Tradition”.
This new book is a collection of Lenten meditations meant for parishes, schools, campus ministries, and other institutions seeking fresh forms of devotions and prayer. The fourteen traditional Stations of the Cross are presented through depictions of contemporary human lives as witnessed by members of Holy Cross religious communities in ministry around the world.

Monday, February 14, 2011

During the week starting February 21st, “The Commons”, a Catholic music show which airs on CatholicTV, will feature musicians Matt Maher and Chris Mug

During the week starting February 21st, “The Commons”, a Catholic music show which airs on CatholicTV, will feature musicians Matt Maher and Chris Muglia.

“The Commons” airs each week at and on CatholicTV at the following times (Eastern): Wednesday 8 a.m. Thursday 3:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Saturday 9:30 p.m.

Matthew "Matt" Maher is a music artist, songwriter, and worship leader originally from Newfoundland, Canada, who later relocated to Tempe, Arizona. He has written and produced five solo albums to date. His most well-known song is "Your Grace is Enough."

More information about Matt Maher is available at

Chris Muglia is a Catholic singer/songwriter. Through his apostolate, Sound Mission Ministries, Chris and his team of dynamic musicians, speakers, and teachers are making an impact on the church at large through their faithful families parish missions. Sound Mission Ministries is dedicated to helping families navigate through the popular culture while holding on to their Catholic faith.

As a father of 5 and husband of 14 years, Chris is able to connect with audiences of all ages. His message has inspired many to deepen their relationship with Christ and renew their commitment to the Catholic Church. He is an accomplished vocalist, guitarist and pianist, and his music is published with Oregon Catholic Press. Chris served as a full time liturgist and music director in the Diocese of Phoenix for 20 years before he formed Sound Mission Ministries. He and his family reside in Phoenix, Arizona.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Matt Maher and Chris Muglia to Sing on CatholicTV Broadcast of The Commons

During the week starting February 21st, “The Commons”, a Catholic music show which airs on CatholicTV, will feature musicians Matt Maher and Chris Muglia.

“The Commons” airs each week at and on CatholicTV at the following times (Eastern): Wednesday 8 a.m. Thursday 3:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Saturday 9:30 p.m.

Matthew "Matt" Maher is a music artist, songwriter, and worship leader originally from Newfoundland, Canada, who later relocated to Tempe, Arizona. He has written and produced five solo albums to date. His most well-known song is "Your Grace is Enough."

More information about Matt Maher is available at

Chris Muglia is a Catholic singer/songwriter. Through his apostolate, Sound Mission Ministries, Chris and his team of dynamic musicians, speakers, and teachers are making an impact on the church at large through their faithful families parish missions. Sound Mission Ministries is dedicated to helping families navigate through the popular culture while holding on to their Catholic faith.

As a father of 5 and husband of 14 years, Chris is able to connect with audiences of all ages. His message has inspired many to deepen their relationship with Christ and renew their commitment to the Catholic Church. He is an accomplished vocalist, guitarist and pianist, and his music is published with Oregon Catholic Press. Chris served as a full time liturgist and music director in the Diocese of Phoenix for 20 years before he formed Sound Mission Ministries. He and his family reside in Phoenix, Arizona.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Successor to the Apostles- Fr. Reed on Bishop-Elect Chris Coyne

A few weeks ago it was a thrill for all of us here at the CatholicTV® Network to receive word that “one of our own” had been named a successor to the Twelve Apostles.

Once pastor of St. Margaret Mary in Westwood, Massachusetts, Bishop Christopher Coyne has been called by Pope Benedict XVI to serve as auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. Bishop Coyne served as a priest of the Archdiocese of Boston for almost 25 years. During that time, he demonstrated skill and gentleness as a pastor, teacher and leader.

I am sure it is those very qualities that will make Chris, along with Archbishop Buechlein, a fine shepherd in Indianapolis.

Bishop-elect Chris Coyne has served not only as a parish priest, but also as professor of liturgy and homiletics, as well as director of the Pre-Theology Program at St. John’s Seminary in Brighton, Massachsetts; as director for the Office of Worship, as well as cabinet secretary for communications and archdiocesan spokesman for the Archdiocese of Boston. Of course, the new bishop has willingly offered the CatholicTV Network a hand over the years in producing a number of series for television broadcast. Employing his skill as a teacher and expert in sacred liturgy, Bishop Coyne can be seen on CatholicTV in several series. Sacred Space returns to CatholicTV cable this March. This 13-part series examines houses of worship for different faiths. You can watch this series and other fine programs from Bishop Coyne at

All of us here at the CatholicTV Network willingly join our prayers to those of Archbishop Buechlein and all the good and faithful people of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis as they celebrate this coming month of March the ordination of a new bishop and his first days of pastoral leadership and care.

Now, good Bishop Christopher: Let’s bring America’s Catholic Television Network® to Indiana!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Catholic Priests Will Make Oscar Predictions During Special Episode of Their Movie Review Show on CatholicTV

During the week beginning February 21st, two Catholic priests, Fr. Bill Kelly and Fr. Chip Hines, co-hosts of the CatholicTV movie review show “Spotlight”, will share their opinions of Oscar winners and will offer commentary in preparation for the upcoming 83nd Annual Academy Awards on February 27th, 2011.

Fr. Bill and Fr. Chip will predict winners for best picture, director, actor, actress, supporting actor, and supporting actress during this episode of Spotlight. The idea of the Spotlight show originated when a fellow priest overheard Fr. Chip and Fr. Bill arguing about who deserved the award for Best Supporting Actress in 2008. The priest who overheard them said, “you two should have your own show”.

Since its introduction in 2009, the show has gained national attention and the two priests were invited to make a monthly appearance on Wendy Wiese’s ON CALL Relevant Radio show.

This special Oscars episode of Spotlight will air at and on CatholicTV during the week of February 21st at the following times (Eastern): Monday 6 p.m. Tuesday 8 p.m. Wednesday 4 a.m. Friday 4:30 p.m. Saturday 12:30 and 10 p.m.

This full episode will also be viewable anytime in the archives starting the evening of February 21st. Archived episodes of Spotlight are available at

Thursday, February 3, 2011

80-Year Old Triathlon-Running “Iron Nun” To Be Interviewed on Live CatholicTV Talk Show Along With “Coach Virtue” Dan Duddy

On Feb 11th, Sr. Madonna Buder will be interviewed on the set of the live CatholicTV talk show “This is the Day”.

Sr. Madonna has an amazing story which began in a prominent St. Louis family to a Catholic Convent and finally to championship finish lines all over the world.

As a beautiful young woman, she became an elegant equestrian and accomplished amateur actress. But as she describes in this intimate memoir, she had a secret plan as early as 14: she wanted to devote her life to God.

She lived a mostly cloistered life as a Nun until her late forties, when a Priest suggested she take a run on the beach. More than thirty years later, she is known as the Iron Nun for all the triathlons she has won. Just five years ago, the age 75–79 category was created for her at the Hawaiian Ironman in Kona, where she completed a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike ride, and a full 26.2-mile marathon in record time.

Sr. Madonna wrote that "It is my faith that has carried me through life’s ups and downs," she writes. "Whenever injured, I wait for the Lord to pick me up again and set me on my feet, confidently reminding Him, ‘God, you know, my intent is to keep running toward you.’"

Coach Dan Duddy will also be interviewed on This is the Day. Coach Duddy coaches high school football at Monsignor Donovan High School in Toms River, New Jersey. Coach Duddy’s football ministry has led to him becoming a national speaker. The Trenton Monitor Newspaper wrote of Coach Duddy saying, “During his first year at Monsignor Donovan, Duddy began to pray with his players before and after practices and games, and he brought along Bible verses to reflect on with the team. “I wanted to make sure that we were a team of prayer,” he said.

Players also attend weekly Mass together. Since beginning his football ministry, Duddy has become a national speaker, sharing his philosophy and approach to coaching young men while helping them to develop their spirituality. Duddy added that he has never felt better about his role in helping to build the faith of his players, and helping them to integrate faith into their daily lives. What they take away will serve them not only on the field, but throughout their futures.”

Dan has recently been nominated for National "Catholic Coach of the Year" by the Chicago Bears affiliated "Sports Faith International".

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Suffering Christians in Africa, the Middle East, and Haiti Discussed on Program on CatholicTV Throughout February

Throughout February, CatholicTV will air special episodes of a program called “Where God Weeps”. In February, Where God Weeps consists of interviews of Catholic Bishops testifying to the suffering Church in their home countries. also has over 50 episodes of Where God Weeps and all may be viewed free of charge without advertising. These episodes show the plight of Christians in countries like Iraq, where many Christians have been killed even at Churches. visitors may watch episodes about Christians in Iran, China, Pakistan and other countries. In China, Catholic bishops were recently forced to attend conferences organized by the Chinese government. According to Catholic News Agency, “several Chinese Catholic sources have reported bishops being kidnapped or arrested, in order to compel their participation.

Pakistan has been in the world news recently because of its anti-blasphemy laws, including a recent case where a 17-year old student was jailed for something he “scribbled on an exam paper” according to Bede Sheppard, senior children’s rights researcher at Human Rights Watch.

The countries focused on in February episodes of Where God Weeps include Lebanon, where a new government is being formed after a recent collapse. On one episode airing in February, Bishop Bechara Rai of Jbeil, Lebanon discusses some of the unique struggles of Christians in Lebanon, which is 40% Christian.

Also interviewed on Where God Weeps in February will be Bishop Gabriel Ababio Mante from Ghana, Bishop Abraham Desta from Ethiopia, and Bishop Joseph Lafontant from Haiti.

Where God Weeps airs each week at the following times (Eastern) at and on CatholicTV cable outlets: Monday 5 a.m. Tuesday 1 a.m. Wednesday 8:30 p.m. and Thursday noon.