Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Priests and Bishop of the Diocese of Worcester Tell Vocations Stories on CatholicTV

Starting this April, CatholicTV will air new episodes of the vocations-promoting series “Come Follow Me”.

Come Follow Me is a television program in which priests share the stories of their lives as priests and how they decided to become priests.

During one episode, Bishop Robert McManus of Worcester, Massachusetts told the story of the day he found out he was going to be named the new Bishop.

On that fateful day, then Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Gabriel Montalvo called McManus and said, “The Holy Father loves you very much,” “uh-huh” replied McManus. Montalvo continued, “the Holy Father has assigned you to the Diocese of Worcester. Do you accept?” “Yes I do.” Replied McManus. “Very good”, said Montalvo. “Write a letter to the Holy Father and tell him that you accept, and call me later on in the week.” McManus and show host, Fr. James Mazzone laughed as McManus recalled the story.

In April, CatholicTV will air new episodes of Come Follow Me. These episodes will include interviews of the following priests:

Fr. Paul Lemire, Fr. Stephen Johnson, Fr. Brian O'Toole, Fr. Larry Esposito, Fr. Nick Desimone.

These episodes will air each week at the following times (Eastern):

Monday 11:30 a.m.
Wednesday 6 a.m.
Friday 9 a.m.
Sunday 11:30 p.m.

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