Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Boston seminarians

It's so wonderful to be able to see the seminarians from St John's Seminary in Brighton at the station here at CatholicTV. Whether it's to attend Father Reed's class on communication and evangelization in the conference room, or to accompany a priest for Daily Mass, they are welcome visitors!

Today Father Ed Riley celebrated Mass for us, and was joined by Deacon Chris Wallace who will, by the grace of God, be ordained this May. Deacon Chris is a member of Our Lady of Good Counsel parish in Quincy.

Before Mass, Father Reed asked Fr Riley to bless our new vestments for Solemnities, and Deacon Chris joined Fr Riley in being the first to wear them!


Deacon Chris delivered the homily and preached about St Joseph and "actions speaking louder than words". You can watch it right here:

Thanks Deacon Chris and Fr Riley!


  1. Thank you, enjoyed very much.

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