Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bible Scholar Fr. Thomas Stegman Will Be Interviewed Live on CatholicTV

On April 9th, Fr. Thomas Stegman, S.J., author of “Second Corinthians:Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (Baker Academic, 2009), will be interviewed on the live CatholicTV talk show “This is the Day”.
This is the Day airs at 10:30AM ET at CatholicTV.com and on CatholicTV. The show is rebroadcast at 7:30PM.

Fr. Stegman is an Associate Professor at Boston College School of Theology and Ministry where he teaches several courses including a course on the New Testament.

He studied at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary (Philadelphia), Marquette University, Weston Jesuit School of Theology, and Emory University, where he received his doctorate in New Testament Studies.

A member of the Wisconsin Province of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) since 1985, he regularly presides and preaches at local parishes and has offered several Ignatian retreats throughout the country.

Fr. Stegman is the author of The Character of Jesus: The Linchpin to Paul’s Argument in 2 Corinthians (Pontificio Istituto Biblico, 2005).

CatholicTV airs several programs which explore scripture and the Catholic faith and some of these include (but are not limited to):

The Prophets and You with Dr. John Clabeaux http://www.catholictv.com/shows/default.aspx?seriesID=152

Prayer in the Catechism with Fr. Benedict Groeschel, CFR http://www.catholictv.com/shows/default.aspx?seriesID=122

Episodes of This is the Dayare posted on the site’s archives starting the same night of the broadcast day. All videos at the website are viewable in full-screen. Paste this URL into your browser in order to access the “This is the Day” video archives. http://www.CatholicTV.com/shows/default.aspx?seriesID=72

Monday, March 29, 2010

Press and Public React to New CatholicTV 3-D Programming

Since the March 23rd launch of new 3-D programming by CatholicTV, there has been a tremendous amount of attention and reaction by the public and the news media. Articles have appeared in the Washington Post, New York Times, and even in India, Russia, and other foreign lands.

On March 23rd, CatholicTV announced that it would offer selected 3-D programming to viewers at CatholicTV.com. At the same time, CatholicTV announced that the April edition of its monthly magazine would also be in 3-D and would include a free pair of 3-D eyeglasses inside.

According to an article by the Associated Press, “Stephen Prothero, a religion professor at Boston University, applauded CatholicTV for taking a risk with technology to attract a broader, younger, audience.”

Jeff Grimshaw, creator and host of “The TV News”, a daily newscast about the television industry, said that CatholicTV is “Dedicated to serving Pope Benedict’s call to utilize the power of T.V. and new media [and] will be producing a slate of 3-D programs all driven by the glory that is both 3-D and Jesus Christ”

Elias F. Crim, a reader of the National Catholic Register commented “it’s so cool!”

As expected, not all response has been positive. Many news websites allow readers to comment and some see the open forum for commenting as an opportunity to voice their views about the Catholic Church in both positive and negative ways rather than commenting on the 3-D launch itself.

Matthew Warner of the National Catholic Register wrote “This is just one more great example of Catholics truly using the visual web to its potential. And it is an innovative way to make video more interesting and to better explore the visual beauty of our Catholic faith.”

Below are links to the CatholicTV 3-D programming as well as to its 3-D magazine.

Link to newly-available CatholicTV programming in 3-D: www.3DCatholicTV.com

Link to the 3-D magazine: http://www.CatholicTV.com/magazine/magazine.aspx?magazineID=34221

Link to use to get a free copy of the magazine: http://www.CatholicTV.com/catholic-magazine.aspx

The Easter Exercises--from Author Chris Benguhe

Chris has appeared on CatholicTV's talk show "This is the Day"

7 Days of Simple Exercises to Turn on Your Heart!
Times are tough all over. People everywhere are struggling more than in decades. Add to that all the timeless tension of living your everyday life – struggles at home and on the job (if you have one!). Here is a series of 7 very easy exercises you can do this week to prepare for the rejuvenating magic of Easter. They will not take more than a minute or two each day.

Day 1
Pick someone you love and write down why are they special to you. (THIS DOES NOT HAVE TO BE ROMANTIC, JUST ANYONE YOU LOVE!)

Day 2
Think about the nicest thing anybody did for you today or last week.

Day 3
Think about the kindest thing you did for anybody else today or last week.

Day 4
Recall something positive that you saw somebody else do THIS week to help someone else that filled your heart with happiness.

Day 5
Reflect on the person you picked on Day 1 and write about how their love and support for you has changed your life in one simple sentence.

Day 6
Read the person you wrote about on Days 1 and 5 what you wrote..

Day 7 (Easter!)
Go to Church – Smile at everyone there. Observe all the love that’s there. Tell God how much you love Him and spend the rest of the day spreading that love everywhere you go!

All materials above are From Chris Benguhe’s latest book “Overcoming Life’s 7 Common Tragedies: Opportunities for Discovering God,” available at Amazon.com which examines the positive potential of tragedy to bring people closer to each other and to inspire them to realize their ultimate purpose. Chris also pens a regular column for our good friends at the Catholic Sun in Phoenix, Arizona.

It’s not about whether the glass is half full or half empty, but about the value of the glass – the glass of our lives is always valuable.

Operation Rice Bowl: The Face of Christ in Our World

While the United States is one of the world's wealthiest countries, poverty here is very real. According to Catholic Charities USA, 37.3 million people in the United States were living below the official poverty level of $20,614 for a family of four in 2007. That's more people than the combined populations of Iowa, Connecticut, Oklahoma, Oregon, Kentucky, Lousiana, South Carolina, Alabama, Colorado, New Hampshire and Idaho. To be poor in the United States is to have children who go to bed hungry. It's to do without medical treatment or dental care or counseling because there is no insurance. It's to live in substandard housing or no house at all and to face exposures to toxins in one's water and paint and soil. It's to fear for safety and live near conflict. And often, it is to be invisible. But Jesus came to make what is unseen, seen. This kind of vision is one of the greatest gifts of Easter.

Lenten Observance of prayer, fasting, learning and giving:

What a strange day is Palm Sunday? It begins with palm fronds and praises and church processions hailing the King of Glory. It winds up with the passion—in which we who waved palms call out "crucify him," as our part of the narrative from Luke. Who are we in these stories? Are we the weeping women? The hiding disciples? The ones crying out for the death sentence?

As we walk into Holy Week, we'll step even more deeply into these stories. Let them resonate with the stories around you. Each day in your prayer, recall one of the people whose story you learned this Lent through Operation Rice Bowl: Renang Moleko, the AIDS orphan tending his garden in Lesotho; Victoria Velasquez, learning sustainable agriculture in Bolivia; girls in Afghanistan receiving an education for the first time at community-run schools; Maria Asuncion Cuadra, running her fresh drink stand in Nicaragua; Ato Teklu Hadgu, helping to make his village in Ethiopia resilient during drought. Hold them up in prayer, for their struggle and for their Easter hope to rise from poverty into a new life.

Fasting is built into Holy Week. Each day we are challenged to abstain from our regular schedule and to find time for rituals that awaken all the senses to the sacrifice of our incarnate God. The taste of bread and wine, the sound of a crack in the night, the feel of lips touching a cross, the smell of smoke from the burning brazier, the sight of flickering candles and the press of darkness—all await us. By setting aside some of our appetites this Lent, we have tried to become more aware of that which often lies hidden beyond our hungers: the very presence of God. As the Triduum gives way to Easter joy, how will you keep your senses tuned to the God of the poor?

At 94, Norm is a regular guest at Faith Café, a restaurant that serves the homeless and hungry in the Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon. "The food is so good and the people so kind that I come back every week," says Norm, who has been visiting the café since it opened in 2005. He is among 80 to 100 guests who gather there every Sunday night to be seated at brightly colored tables with handmade placemats and vases of flowers. Volunteers take their orders and serve their meals. Guests are invited to take canned goods and produce from local gardens home with them. The Faith Café, which is partially funded with Operation Rice Bowl contributions, is a place where Norm is treated with respect.
"The volunteers who serve the meals know that I don't like dressing on my salad, and they know which cookies are my favorite," he says. "I have two special women that I call my angels. They like to listen to my stories and they treat me like a king."
Paying attention. Listening to stories. Treating a man in poverty like a king. This is what is meant by the call to uphold the dignity and equality of the human person.

As Easter nears, it's time to drop the last few contributions into the Rice Bowl, total up the amount and send it in to your parish or school. Remember that 75 percent of your contribution will be used to fund hunger programs throughout the world, while 25 percent of the money will stay in your home diocese to serve the poor there. But the giving need not stop with Easter. After emptying your Rice Bowl, why not continue to drop change in it throughout the year? Let it be a constant reminder that the poor are with us always, as contributing members of our communities, as brothers as sisters to us, as the face of Christ in the world.

Come and See! Cathechetical Certificate Program of St. John's Seminary (Boston)

There are so many great ways to continue to grow in our faith. In the Boston (MA) area there are some wonderful programs for faith formation. The Master of Arts in Ministry program at St. John's Seminary recently celebrated it's 10th anniversary and is featured in the current edition of The Pilot.

The MAM program is one of the sponsors of the Co-Workers in the Vineyard Program on Friday, April 16th from 9am-3:30pm. 3:30pm . The event will be held at the Campion Renewal Center in Weston.

St. John's Seminary also offers a Catechetical Certificate program. A "Come and See" informational sessions will be held on Saturday, April 1oth at 10am or 1:30pm at 140 Washington Street in Brighton. Check it out!

How to Win the Battle Against Human Trafficking? Sister of Saint Joseph Will Discuss Live on CatholicTV Talk Show

On April 6th, human trafficking, which is often linked to prostitution, will be discussed on the CatholicTV talk show “This is the Day”.

Sister Carole Lombard, CSJ, Director of the Office of Justice and Peace for the Sisters of St. Joseph will discuss human trafficking on This is the Day. The Sisters of St. Joseph are known for their social justice ministries. The Sisters of St. Joseph in Boston have made a commitment to work to eliminate the root causes of human trafficking and to minister to victims of human trafficking in collaboration with others.

Sister Helen Prejean, CSJ who authored the book Dead Man Walking, is also a Sister of St. Joseph. The Sisters of St. Joseph work in a variety of professions including law, nursing, music, and education.

Also on This is the Day, will be Catholic journalist Todd Aglialoro. Todd writes a blog at InsideCatholic.com and is also Editor-in Chief at St. Benedict Press/Tan Books. Todd graduated with a degree in English Literature/Theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville and also studied at the International Theological Institute in Austria.

More info on Saint Benedict Press and TAN Books can be found at http://www.saintbenedictpress.com/ and http://www.tanbooks.com/

More info on the Sisters of Saint Joseph can be found at http://www.csjboston.org/Peace.htm

Friday, March 26, 2010

Cardinal Séan O’Malley Will Talk Haitian Restoral Efforts During Holy Week on CatholicTV

During Holy Week, Cardinal Séan O’Malley will discuss Haiti and relief efforts on CatholicTV. Cardinal O’Malley has a regular show on CatholicTV called “Conversations With Cardinal Sean” which involves interviews of Cardinal Sean talking about a wide range of topics from hot subjects such as stem cell research and abortion, to memories of how the Cardinal realized his own calling from the Lord.

In March, Cardinal O’Malley travelled to Haiti to assess the needs of the Church there along with fellow clergymen.

This special episode of Conversations With Cardinal Sean, in which Fr. Robert Reed interviews the Cardinal, will air at CatholicTV.com and on CatholicTV at the following dates/times (all times Eastern):

Tuesday at 1pm and 6pm, Wednesday at 12:30am, Good Friday 10:30am and Easter Sunday at 3:30pm.

Conversations with Cardinal Séan takes viewers into the mind of a man who studied 7 languages, wears sandals during the Boston winter, and once voluntarily lived in a prostitution and drug-infested slum in order to experience and alleviate the sufferings of oppressed Washington D.C. tenants.

At the age of 12, then-named Patrick O’Malley entered the St. Fidelis Minor Seminary. . According to “Current Biography Magazine”, a fellow student at St. Fidelis said that "Most of us were ballplayers hoping to be priests one day. Sean was a little priest the whole way through . . . he was a little Franciscan the whole way through. He was the real thing from day one."

More information about the show Conversations with Cardinal Séan and full episodes are available at http://www.CatholicTV.com/shows/default.aspx?seriesID=28

Following 3-D Launch, CatholicTV Will Once Again Air Holy Week Services In High Definition

Holy Week services 2010 from the Cathedral of the Holy Cross will air in high definition (HDTV) and Dolby Digital Surround Sound 5.1 on CatholicTV where available. For viewers who do not have CatholicTV, Holy Week in HDTV will stream online at www.CatholicTV.com. This live stream is offered 24 hours per day in full-screen without charge.

CatholicTV will televise these HDTV liturgies from the Cathedral of the Holy Cross. In addition to the HDTV/Dolby Digital Surround Sound 5.1broadcast, CatholicTV will also air Holy Week liturgies from the Vatican.

CatholicTV started as the world’s first diocesan television station and is committed to using new technologies and innovation to spread the Gospel. Holy Week of 2009 debuted CatholicTV’s use of HD broadcasts. On March 23rd, CatholicTV unveiled new full-length 3-D shows and a special 3-D version of its monthly magazine.

CatholicTV programming in HDTV will be available starting Holy Week at www.HDCatholicTV.com

Link to newly-available CatholicTV programming in 3-D: www.3DCatholicTV.com

Link to the 3-D magazine: http://www.CatholicTV.com/magazine/magazine.aspx?magazineID=34221

Link to use to get a free copy of the magazine: http://www.CatholicTV.com/catholic-magazine.aspx

Thursday, March 25, 2010

You’ve heard about our 3D videos, now hear about everything else that’s happening at CatholicTV!

CatholicTV connects with viewers via social networking sites. You could say we are getting around!

CatholicTV recognizes that people need ready access to faith resources throughout the day and in a variety of places. For that reason CatholicTV has developed a state-of-the-art broadband TV network where daily and Sunday Masses are available in full screen and on-demand – FOR FREE. The Mass is the “source and summit” for Catholics and CatholicTV strives to make this available on every device. The Mass is available on-line, via a free download from iTunes and is broadcast throughout day. Sunday Masses originate from Boston, San Antonio (Spanish) and The Basilica of the Sacred Heart at Notre Dame.

The rosary, a popular scriptural devotion is also available daily. Viewers can tune into the CatholicTV You Tube Channel http://www.youtube.com/user/CatholicTV or watch on a variety of cable carriers throughout the US.

Throughout the day CatholicTV staff members update Twitter with the happenings which take place in the Boston area studios http://twitter.com/CatholicTV . One of the most popular social networking sites for individuals and organizations is Facebook; viewers can register as fans at CatholicTV’s Facebook page.

The CatholicTV blogspot gives viewers an opportunity to keep up-to-date with the events and productions of CatholicTV. Read the CatholicTV blog by visiting http://Catholic-TV.blogspot.com/

CatholicTV’s monthly magazine brings all these sources together by sharing great articles, the monthly programming schedule and the listing of presiders at daily and Sunday Mass. The magazine is free as is the e-newsletter which is sent out via email. People who are interested in receiving the magazine and newsletter can sign up at the website http://CatholicTV.com/magazine/subscribe.aspx

Viewers have several wonderful ways to stay in touch with CatholicTV and CatholicTV loves being connected to viewers

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Associated Press Writes International Story About CatholicTV’s New 3-D Programming

On Tuesday, March 23rd, the Associated Press released an internationally-distributed story entitled “CatholicTV Rolls Out Shows in 3-D to Attract Youth”.

The story has been picked up all around the U.S. including the New York Times & The Washington Post. The story has also been picked up around the globe including at the New Zealand Herald, News 24 South Africa, and many others.

Below are links to the story at the New York Times and Associated Press websites:


AP- http://license.icopyright.net/user/viewFreeUse.act?fuid=NzYyNzQzMQ==

World’s First Catholic Television Station, CatholicTV Becomes First Catholic Television Network to Offer 3-D Programming

On Tuesday, March 23rd, CatholicTV announced a special 3-D version of its monthly magazine (April edition) along with special 3-D episodes of several popular CatholicTV shows. The announcement will be made during the live talk show “This is the Day”.

The April edition of CatholicTV’s monthly magazine will include a pair of 3-D glasses which will allow subscribers to view the magazine in 3-D and also to view the 3-D programming which is now offered only at CatholicTV.com. CatholicTV currently has over 1000 videos on its website. Many of these videos are full-length CatholicTV programs and are viewable in full-screen on any computer.

CatholicTV is also considering broadcasting a 3-D episode on television and may broadcast a special episode in order to gauge the demand for 3-D broadcast programming.

The idea originally came from CatholicTV’s Director Fr. Robert Reed, who thought it would be a good idea to embrace unique technologies in order to spread the Gospel.

CatholicTV.com has special 3-D episodes of the following shows at www.CatholicTV.com: These episodes are be accessible at http://www.3DCatholicTV.com

We’ve Got to Talk- Father Dan O’Connell preaches in front of a blue screen with unusual backgrounds. He was once filmed with a superhero costume in front of a blue screen of the city.

House+Home- Reality-style show which takes viewers into Catholic homes, showing how Catholic families live their faith.

WOW: The CatholicTV Challenge- Catholic game show with 3rd grade contestants answering questions on Scripture and the catechism.

Going My Way- A modern version of the Merv Griffin Show. Father Chris Hickey and Father Paul Rouse share their musical talents along with guest priests.

This is the Day- CatholicTV’s signature talk show which has featured Johnny Pesky, Mike Lowell, Sister Helen Prejean (Dead Man Walking). The show includes Catholic News and guest appearances.

Blink- Everyday Catholics throughout the country share their faith in short video segments on a variety of topics.

CatholicTV Rosary from Rome, Italy- Video footage of Fr. Reed praying the Rosary in Rome

Catholic Destinations- Senior Producer, Kevin Nelson hosts this Catholic travel show which takes viewers to interesting places of significance to the Catholic Faith. Filmed all over the U.S. and around the world.

CatholicTV Rosary From Washington, D.C. -Video footage of Fr. Reed praying the Rosary in the nation’s capital, at the National Basilica.

A link to the 3-D magazine: http://www.CatholicTV.com/magazine/magazine.aspx?magazineID=34221

The link to use to get a free copy of the magazine: http://www.CatholicTV.com/catholic-magazine.aspx

23rd Annual Way of the Cross for Life in Boston

Good Friday Pro-Life Procession: Way of the Cross for Life

Pray the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday in support of life. The procession begins at Government Center in Boston, by the MBTA stop, at 9 AM on Good Friday, April 2nd headed toward the Cathedral of the Holy Cross. On the way to the Cathedral, there will be stops at churches along the way. At noon the group prays the last stations at the Cathedral with Cardinal Sean. Check the schedule for Lenten programming on CatholicTV at www.CatholicTV.com

For more information on the Way of the Cross for Life , contact Colbe Mazzarella: 617-569-4570, ccmazz@aol.com

Monday, March 22, 2010

Using Golf to Teach Catholic Spirituality? Seminar Leader/ PGA Member Will Discuss on CatholicTV Talk Show

On March 30, Tim Kilcoyne, will be interviewed live on the CatholicTV talk show “This is the Day”. Tim is a unique lay Catholic who uses golf to teach Catholic spirituality. Tim Kilcoyne, M.Ed./Religious Education, B.A./Theology, Developmental Psychology, is an experienced teaching professional and member of the Professional Golfers Association of America.

Tim Kilcoyne offers 1,2, and 3-day retreats. The purpose of them is to “introduce or deepen one’s relationship with our Lord through the game of golf.” Practical fundamentals, rules-etiquette and the Spirit of this “game of a lifetime” are compared to classic principles of authentic Christian spirituality. The services that Tim provides are a “holistic-holy” mix consisting of; religious recreation seminars, fundraising-outing services, and golf school-retreats. More information about these sessions may be found at http://fairwaystofaith.com/

This is the Day airs at 10:30AM ET at CatholicTV.com and on CatholicTV. The show is rebroadcast at 7:30PM.

The National Catholic Register said of Tim:

“Out of golf season, Kilcoyne directs 'Talk Catholic" a series of talks intended to instruct and engage adult Catholics in their faith. What drives both ministries, Kilcoyne says, is his conviction that Catholics need intellectual and spiritual formation beyond confirmation. In Kilcoyne's formulation, "Both programs are meant to introduce or re-introduce all sincere of heart to Christ in the hope that a constant, communicating, prayerful relationship takes root."

The Return of 40 Million Aborted Children? Author Will Discuss During Live CatholicTV Interview

On March 23, John Regan, the author of the pro-life book “Return of the Children” will be interviewed during the live CatholicTV talk show “This is the Day”. Return of the Children is a fictional story about forty million aborted American children returning to Earth to bring God's love, mercy, forgiveness and healing to their mothers, their fathers, and the abortionists.

This is the Day airs live at 10:30AM ET at CatholicTV.com and on CatholicTV.

The 2010 Springfield, Massachusetts Women’s Conference will also be discussed on “This is the Day.” This year’s conference will feature key note speaker Johnnette Benkovic, Founder and President of Living His Life Abundantly International Inc. and the Founder of Women of Grace, an apostolate for Christian women.

Musician Sarah Hart will lead praise and worship at the conference. Sarah is a recipient of multiple Unity Awards including songwriter, producer, and Female Vocalist of the Year. She is also a founding member of Daughters of God.

Catholic Women’s Conference Chairman Jean Raczkowski, and Marion Johnson (Mistress of Ceremonies) will be on This is the Day to discuss the upcoming Women’s Conference.

More information on John Regan:

Following the infamous Roe vs. Wade decision which legalized abortion, John managed the election campaign of a New York pro-life attorney who was seeking to unseat a town judge on Long Island.

Since 1990, John has been writing religious books and two years ago perceived the need to address the most infrequently mentioned aspect of abortion; forgiveness.

More information on the 2010 Springfield, Massachusetts Women’s Conference can be found at http://www.diospringfield.org/womensconf.html

Friday, March 19, 2010

Fr. Clancy brings the FOCUS Missionaries from MIT for Daily Mass at CatholicTV

Father Reed with Katie, Joey and John, FOCUS missionaries at MIT, in the CatholicTV stairwell. That's Chris Pham's head just behind John.

FOCUS, the Fellowship of Catholic University Students, is a national collegiate outreach that meets college students where they are and invites them to examine the meaning and purpose of their lives. Through large group outreach, Bible studies and one on one mentoring, FOCUS missionaries are equipped to introduce college students to the Person of Jesus Christ and the Catholic faith, empowering them to share His love with the world. Learn more at http://focusonline.org/

Locked treasure on CatholicTV

The treasure box under lock and key

You'll learn why on March twenty-three

It's a treasure for you, it's a treasure for me

We will all see it clearly on CatholicTV

CatholicTV Will Announce Newest Media “Innovation” on March 23rd

On March 23rd, on its signature, live talk show “This is the Day”, CatholicTV will announce its latest media innovation. CatholicTV is not releasing details to the public beforehand.

In 2009, CatholicTV announced several innovations including two of the firsts of their kind; a Catholic television “app” for the iPhone, and the CatholicTV widget which is essentially a “miniature T.V. set” for any website. The widget, which is called CatholicTVjr allows website visitors to watch full-length programs which are on CatholicTV.

Since CatholicTV is a non-profit corporation concerned with spreading the Gospel, CatholicTV offers both the iPhone app and the widget to the public free of charge. CatholicTV also does not charge fees to watch its live online stream or any of its programs at CatholicTV.com

Director of the CatholicTV Network, Fr. Robert Reed came up with the latest innovation for CatholicTV, which he plans to discuss on This is the Day on March 23rd. CatholicTV began airing promotional videos for the new innovation on March 8th.

More information about the CatholicTV iPhone app can be found at www.CarryYourFaith.com

More information about the CatholicTV widget “CatholicTVjr” can be found at www.CatholicTVjr.com

Once the announcement is made, information about the new innovation will be available at www.CatholicTV.com

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Jesse Manibusan Will Sing on CatholicTV

Jesse Manibusan (right)

During the week of March 29th, “The Commons”, a Catholic music show which airs on CatholicTV, will feature musicians Jesse Manibusan, and Matt Maher. Jesse will sing and discuss the song “Gracious God”. Matt will sing and discuss the song “Shelter”.

The Commons airs each week at CatholicTV.com and on CatholicTV at the following times (Eastern): Monday 6AM and 9:30PM, Thursday 2AM and 5PM, Saturday, 11:30AM and 9:30PM.

Jesse Manibusan is a lay evangelist who uses music, comedy, and stories to connect with people. Very much in demand around the country as a motivational speaker, Jesse aims to connect with all generations. “God gives us life. We may have disappointments, we may be really angry or depressed,” said the singer. “It’s good we can have a moment to say to God, ‘Thank you for life.’”

More information about Jesse can be found at http://www.jessemanibusan.com/

Matthew "Matt" Maher is a music artist, songwriter, and worship leader originally from Newfoundland, Canada, who later relocated to Tempe, Arizona. He has written and produced five solo albums to date. His most well-known song is "Your Grace is Enough."

More information about Matt Maher can be found at http://www.mattmahermusic.com/

“The Commons”, is a coffee house-styled music show which includes performances by Catholic musicians such as Jesse Manibusan, Matt Maher, Sarah Hart, and others. The show also includes interviews of the musicians in which viewers can get a glimpse into the lives and spirituality of the musicians.


The Archbishop Fulton John Sheen Foundation is pleased to welcome His Excellency Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito to the Episcopal Advisory Board for the Cause for Beatification of the Servant of God... Archbishop Fulton J Sheen. Bishop Barbarito joins bishops from around the US in supporting the cause. Fulton Sheen (1895-1979)was a universally popular evangelist, radio/TV personality, writer and missionary. In 2002, his cause for beatification and canonization was officially opened by the Diocese of Peoria, IL, Sheen’s birthplace. The Sheen Foundation is the official promoter of the beatification cause. The Foundation welcomes Bishop Barbarito and encourages the Diocese to visit the Foundation’s website, www.archbishopsheencause.org to learn more about Archbishop Sheen’s Canonization and how to help the Cause.

CatholicTV is honored to air “Life is Worth Living” hosted by Archbishop Sheen.

About the Fulton John Sheen Foundation: The purpose of the Sheen Foundation is to make known the life, works and thoughts of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, to educate people in the values that he taught, to assist the missions to which he dedicated his life, to assist others in seeking his intercession, and to undertake and pursue all acts ancillary thereto, including, but not limited to, the advancement of the Cause of Canonization of Archbishop Sheen in the Catholic Church, according to the process prescribed in the Code of Canon Law under the supervision of the bishop of the Diocese of Peoria, Illinois. For more info visit the cause website or call Sara Woiwode 309.671.1550 x 309

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Catholic Comedian Nick Alexander to Appear on CatholicTV Talk Show

On March 19th, Catholic comedian and musician Nick Alexander will appear on the CatholicTV talk show “This is the Day”.

Nick is a dynamic Catholic-Charismatic-Christian comedian/worship-leader/speaker. He has three comedy albums out and also approaches his audience in a way that is engaging, funny, heartfelt, and effective.

This is the Day airs at 10:30AM ET at CatholicTV.com and on CatholicTV. The show is rebroadcast at 7:30PM. The show is hosted by the Director of the CatholicTV Network, Father Robert Reed, and General Manager, Jay Fadden.

Nick’s career began in college when he began writing and performing worship songs with a college ministry group. Out of the blue, Nick was inspired to write a parody to Bob Seger's "Old Time Rock and Roll," influenced, no doubt, by his teen fascination with Weird Al Yankovic. "It wasn’t meant to be recorded," Nick says, "it was meant as a joke.” Nick continued to write comical tunes when he had the time. His focus, however, was still on serving in various worship settings.

Late one night, he played some of his parody tunes for some other musicians and was caught completely off guard by their reaction. "The response to these parodies was so over and beyond what I had initially expected," he remembers. "It was as if the entire group literally forced me to reckon with this talent that I had very comfortably buried. And right away I saw the possibilities of standing out in a crowd, and of finding comedy that uplifts, teaches, and is respectful of our faith.”

Author Kerry Weber will also be interviewed on This is the Day. Kerry wrote the book “Keeping the Faith: Prayers For College Students”, which she plans to talk about on the show. Kerry was Associate Editor of Catholic Digest magazine for three years before she began her present graduate studies at the School of Journalism, Columbia University.

An excerpt from the beginning of her book says: “Here, in this chapel, in the presence of God, I was no longer a nameless freshman, walking in a wandering herd. I bore no label. I was still scared, unsure, and looking for the place where I fit in; but I was no longer alone. God knew me, knew why I was here, and felt no need to make small talk about my major or my hometown.”

So begins this book of very realistic prayers about college life. Kerry expresses all the familiar emotions, all the highs and lows, all the fears and dreams that every college student experiences. She learned early on in her own college life that she couldn’t cope without God’s guidance and she clung to her faith to see her through. She makes a compelling case for staying close to God from the first unfamiliar days on campus, to the moment of graduation.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dead Man Walking Play By Tim Robbins to Be Discussed on CatholicTV Talk Show

On March 26, the Dead Man Walking School Theatre Project (DMWST project) will be discussed on the CatholicTV talk show “This is the Day”. The DMWST Project works with high schools and colleges to produce the play “Dead Man Walking” which was written by actor Tim Robbins and is based on the book by Sister Helen Prejean which was also made into a film starring Sean Penn and Susan Sarandon. This is the 6th season that the play has been presented as part of academic and theater curriculums in schools.

Sister Helen’s books are accounts of her friendship with 2 death-row inmates and her call to end capital punishment. Sister Helen commits herself to the protection of life, both innocent and guilty.

This is the Day airs at 10:30AM ET at CatholicTV.com and on CatholicTV. This is the Day is hosted by the Director of the CatholicTV Network, Father Robert Reed, and General Manager, Jay Fadden.

Steven Crimaldi (pictured above) will be interviewed on This is the Day. Steven is National Coordinator of The Dead Man Walking School Theatre Project. Steve is currently working on the award-winning Anti-Death Penalty Alternative Spring Break. The specific purpose of the Death Penalty Alternative Spring Break is to bring students together for five days of anti-death penalty activism, education and fun. This is the place to be if you want to become a part of the next generation of human rights leaders. The 2010 event features six innocent death row exonerees: Shujaa Graham, Curtis McCarty, Ron Keine, Derrick Jamison, Perry Cobb and Juan Melendez. They are attending alternative spring break to speak with participants about how innocent people can end up on death row. Altogether, the six exonerees attending the alternative spring break spent a total of about 65 years on death row for crimes they did not commit.

More information on the Dead Man Walking School Theater Project and the Death Penalty Alternative Spring Break may be found at http://dmwplay.org/ and http://www.springbreakalternative.org/deathpenalty/

Happy 25th Anniversary World Youth Day!

World Youth Day Turns 25, Benedict XVI Lauds "Abundant Fruits"

In 1986 Pope John Paul II established World Youth Day. Since then, every Palm Sunday our Church celebrates World Youth Day (WYD)at the diocesan level. Every 3 years a week long international gathering and pilgrimage takes place at different locations. In 2011 WYD will be celebrated in Madrid.

On ZENIT's Web page: Full text: www.zenit.org/article-28644?l=english

Monday, March 15, 2010

Springfield Men's Conference

CatholicTV exhibited at the Diocese of Springfield (MA) Men's Conference. What a great day! I'll be posting some pictures of Bishop McDonnell with our colleague, Mark Dupont of Catholic Communications .

Friday, March 12, 2010

Matt Maher and Trevor Thomson Will Sing on CatholicTV

During the week of March 15th, “The Commons”, a Catholic music show which airs on CatholicTV, will feature musicians Matt Maher, and Trevor Thomson. Matt will sing and discuss the song “Lay it Down”. Trevor will sing and discuss the song “We Belong To You”.

The Commons airs each week at CatholicTV.com and on CatholicTV at the following times (Eastern): Monday 6AM and 9:30PM, Thursday 2AM and 5PM, Saturday, 11:30AM and 9:30PM.

Matthew "Matt" Maher is a music artist, songwriter, and worship leader originally from Newfoundland, Canada, who later relocated to Tempe, Arizona. He has written and produced five solo albums to date. His most well-known song is "Your Grace is Enough."

Trevor Thomas gained national recognition with the release of In This Place, an album of original music. He then began performing at events all over the United States. His sophomore album, Before You, followed in 2000. The release of Trevor’s third album, Eyes to You, marks a significant advance in a career that began over 12 years ago in Southern California. A Los Angeles native, Trevor has a special partiality for the L.A. music sound.

“The Commons”, is a coffee house-styled music show which includes performances by Catholic musicians such as Jesse Manibusan, Matt Maher, Sarah Hart, and others. The show also includes interviews of the musicians in which viewers can get a glimpse into the lives and spirituality of the musicians.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

CRS Fair Trade Chocolates for your Easter Basket

It Tastes Good to Do Good

Whether you’re a fan of milk, dark, mint, toffee, nuts or another favorite chocolate flavor, you’ll find what you’re looking for from Catholic Relief Services partners. Fair Trade isn’t only about paying a fair price to producers; it’s also about honoring the care they put into their crops by producing high quality products. So let that chocolate melt in your mouth and savor the flavor of the fine results of their hard work! Get those Easter baskets ready!

Support CRS Fair Trade when you place your order with Divine Chocolate or Equal Exchange and a percentage of your purchase will be donated to the CRS Fair Trade Fund.

Monday, March 8, 2010

NECN Program Featuring Haiti, American Bishops, and Post-Earthquake Recovery Efforts Will Air on CatholicTV

Photo by George Martell

On Tuesday, March 9th, CatholicTV will air a special program called “The Heart of Haiti”. The Heart of Haiti was filmed during the first week of March when a committee of Catholic Bishops and one priest travelled to Haiti to assess the needs of the Church there.

The Heart of Haiti features detailed footage and imagery of Haiti, including the ruins of the Cathedral, where Archbishop Serge Miot and many others died during the earthquake of January 12th. More people died during the Haiti earthquake than at Hiroshima.

The Heart of Haiti will air at CatholicTV.com and on CatholicTV on March 9th at 11:30AM ET and again at 8:30PM.

The Heart of Haiti also includes footage of Catholic Relief Services’ efforts and interviews of local people, doctors, volunteers, and numerous thoughts and reactions from Cardinal Séan O’Malley Archbishop of Boston and other clergy.

The committee of clergy asked to go to Haiti to access the needs of the Church there include: Archbishop José Gomez of the Archdiocese of San Antonio, Bishop Guy Sansaricq, the only Haitian-born U.S. Bishop, Bishop Tom Wenski of Orlando, Cardinal Séan O’Malley, and Fr. Andrew Small of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

Details about the visit can also be found at Cardinal Séan O’Malley’s blog at http://www.CardinalSeansblog.org/

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Many Healed After A Million Visited Priest’s Grave- Film about Fr. Patrick Power Will Be Discussed on CatholicTV

On March 16, “Healing Power” a film about Fr. Patrick Power will be discussed on the CatholicTV talk show “This is the Day”. Fr. Patrick Power was a priest who died in 1869 in Brookline, Massachusetts. Since his death, over a million people have visited his grave. Hundreds have attributed healings to visiting his grave, or from rain water collected near his grave in Malden, Massachusetts.

Producers Vic Jenacaro, and Larry Cappetto, of the film Healing Power will be interviewed on This is the Day. Mr. Cappetto also served as Director on the project. They will discuss Fr. Patrick Power and the film. To learn more about the production and view a trailer, visit http://veteranshistory.org/power3.wmv

This is the Day airs at 10:30AM ET at CatholicTV.com and on CatholicTV.

Fr. Wayne Belschner will also appear on This is the Day. He will discuss a vocations fair which will take place at his local parish. Fr. Belschner is Pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in East Boston. The vocations fair will take place on Saturday, April 10th at the parish which is located on 303 Paris Street. For more information visit the parish website http://www.rc.net/boston/sacredhearteast/index.htm

Friday, March 5, 2010

CatholicTV Will Attend Upcoming Educational and Men’s Conferences in New England

On March 13, CatholicTV will exhibit at the Rhode Island Catholic Men’s Conference, the Rhode Island Diocesan Faith Formation Workshop Day and Men’s Conference, as well as the Springfield Men’s Conference in Springfield, Massachusetts.

The Rhode Island conferences will include Mass with Cardinal Sean O’Malley of the Archdiocese of Boston, while the Springfield Men’s Conference will feature keynote speakers, Raymond Arroyo, Francisco “Paco” Gavrilides, Patrick McCaskey, Michael Preisler and Father Warren Savage.

For the Diocese of Springfield, it is the Eighth Annual gathering; the 2010 theme is “GROW IN HOLINESS”. The day is hosted by Bishop Timothy McDonnell, Bishop of Springfield; facilitator for the day is Catholic evangelist and singer Sean Forrest.

The Diocese of Providence is host to two conferences on the campus of Bryant University: the 43rd Annual Diocesan Religious Education Workshop Day and the Rhode Island Men of St. Joseph Diocesan Conference. The theme is focused on the diocesan mission of a Year of Evangelization.

CatholicTV will be attending both conferences in support of the events and also to spread the good news about CatholicTV and its programming.

At a recent conference where CatholicTV was also an exhibitor, conference attendees decided to support CatholicTV by writing letters to their local cable carrier asking them to add CatholicTV to their channel lineup. These letters were a significant factor in the cable carrier’s decision to add CatholicTV to its channel lineup.

CatholicTV will also be attending the upcoming Worcester Men’s Conference, the Springfield Women’s Conference, and the Cable Show in Los Angeles, California to promote CatholicTV in the furthest reaches of the country.

CatholicTV recently broadcasted the Boston Catholic Women’s Conference. Video footage is viewable now at: http://www.catholictv.com/shows/default.aspx?seriesID=111

More information about these conferences can be found at the following web addresses:

The Rhode Island Diocesan Religious Education and Faith Formation Workshop Day http://www.dioceseofprovidence.org/files/ORE/Bryant%202010.pdf

Springfield Men’s Conference http://www.diospringfield.org/mensconf.html

Rhode Island Catholic Men’s Conference http://members.cox.net/rimosjweb/comingevents.html

Springfield Women’s Conference in Springfield, Massachusetts http://www.diospringfield.org/womensconf.html

Worcester Men’s Conference- Worcester, Massachusetts http://www.firstmensconf.org/www.firstmensconf.org/Welcome.html

The 2010 Cable Show- Los Angeles http://2010.thecableshow.com/

spiritandsong.com at Los Angeles Religious Education Congress

The Religious Education Congress, sponsored by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Office of Religious Education, is the nation's largest annual gathering of Roman Catholics. The theme this year is "Incredible Abundance"

During this gathering attendees can also look forward to outstanding musical performances by top OCP and spiritandsong.com artists.

If you cannot attend the Congress and hear the great OCP/spiritandsong.com musicians then watch The Commons which is a spiritandsong production featuring your favorite Catholic artists airs on CatholicTV.

The Commons broadcasts each week at CatholicTV.com and on CatholicTV at the following times (ET): Monday 6AM and 9:30PM, Thursday 2AM and 5PM.

The concerts in LA take place Thursday, March 18, 2010 - Sunday, March 21, 2010 , they feature: Tom Booth, Santiago Fernández, Jackie François, ValLimar Jansen, Matt Maher, Jesse Manibusan, Ike Ndolo, Trevor Thomson