This week:
(all times Eastern)
Daily Mass: Celebrate Mass each weekday with one of our beloved Boston priests.
Watch: LIVE 9:30am, rebroadcasts at 7pm and 11:30pm
Christian Witness: New. Drs Angela and David Franks talk with people who work to build a culture of love and life rooted in the New Evangelization. Guest: Francis Cardinal George, 'The Difference God Makes'.
Watch: Sun 4am, Wed 10:30am, Thurs 8:30pm, Sat 4pm
We've Got To Talk: New. Fr Dan continues CatholicTV's longest running studio series. This week's topic- "The Mission is Urgent."
Watch: Sun 6:30am, Mon 2pm, Wed 9am, Fri 8:30pm, Sat 12:30pm
One Billion Stories: New. Join Seth DeMoor as he continues sharing the stories of Catholics around the world. This week we see some new videos and Seth talks about some technology upgrades.
Watch: Mon 4:30pm, Tues 12am and 9pm, Fri 6pm, Sat 12pm and 11pm
Spotlight: New. The film fathers interview Mother Dolores Hart this week on Spotlight, CatholicTV's movie review show.
Watch: Mon 6pm, Tues 8:30pm, Wed 4am, Fri 4:30pm, Sat 10:30am and 10:30pm
WOW: The CatholicTV Challenge: New. Father Robert Reed tests 3rd graders' knowledge in the 9th season of WOW. This week's "Wudabout": The Mass
Watch: Mon 7:30pm, Tues 5pm, Wed 8:30am, Thurs 1am, Fri 6:30am
This is the Day: New.
Tuesday 11/19- Father Roderick Vonhogen, author of Geekpriest: Confessions of a New Media Pioneer.
Watch: Tuesday at 10:15am ET, Wednesday at 10:30am ET.
Friday 11/22- Jon Niven and Father Matt Williams, 'God of This City' Advent Tour.
Watch: LIVE Fri 10:30am ET, Fri 7:30pm, Sat 4:30am and 5:30pm, Mon 12am.
The Gist: Encore. Rachel, Danielle, and Carolee host another great episode of The Gist. Our Guest is Rebecca Frech, author of Teaching in Your Tiara.
Watch: Tue 11am and 8pm, Wed 5 am and 6pm, Thurs 12:30am.
CatholicTV Kids' Saints and Heroes: This children's programming block presents special programs from the CCC of America teaching the Catholic faith through Saints, historical figures, and biblical characters.
This week- Bernadette: Princess of Lourdes
Watch: Sat 7:30am.
Blink U: This month on 'Blink!' We're showcasing Catholic colleges. Tune in to see great videos from Catholic colleges throughout the country, like Notre Dame, Fordham, JPII the Great and more.
Watch: Monday 4am, Wed 7:30pm, Fri 5:30am