Lent will begin on February 17th (Ash Wednesday) and that marks the beginning of special Lenten programming on CatholicTV. This special programming will include “Hill Number One”, the film in which James Dean made his film debut. The Lenten programming will also include programs starring Fulton Sheen. Coverage of Vatican events with Pope Benedict XVI will also be a part of the Lenten and Holy Week on CatholicTV.
This Lenten programming can be seen via live stream at CatholicTV.com and on CatholicTV.
Programming Highlights For Lent and Easter include (all times Eastern):
Ash Wednesday Mass with Pope Benedict XVI- Feb.17 at noon & 8PM
Daily reflections by CatholicTV Network Director, Father Robert Reed based on the Christus Publishing book, A Lenten Journey with Jesus Christ and St. Thérèse of Lisieux
The Fifth Gospel: The Land and Sea of Galilee - Filmed in the Holy Land, narrated by Mike Farrell, the Fifth Gospel connects us to the locations where Jesus lived and taught Feb. 22-28 Tue 11:30AM, Wed 5AM, Fri 8AM, Sun 10:30PM
Hill Number One- A respectful interpretation of what might have happened among Jesus' followers in the three days before the crucifixion. James Dean plays the role of “John”. Mar.22-28; Mon-2PM Tues-10:30PM Wed-4PM; Thurs-6:30AM Fri-9:30PM Sat-10:30AM
Lenten Musical Concert with Catholic Singer Tajci- Tajci sings about the crucifixion along with cellist Janel Leppin and singer Sanya Mateyas. Holy week schedule Mon-2PM Tues-10:30PM Wed-4PM; Thurs-6:30AM Fri-9:30PM Sat-10:30AM
A Path to Glory- Msgr. Zenz from the Archdiocese of Detroit hosts this series presenting each Sunday Gospel for Lent portrayed by actors, followed by a theological reflection. Every week- Mon 4AM Wed-10:30AM Thurs 2:30PM Fri-11:30 AM
Stations of the Cross- From the CatholicTV chapel on Fridays at 3:30AM, noon, 6PM
CatholicTV will air special programming from the Vatican, Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston, and Notre Dame’s Basilica of the Sacred Heart during Holy Week including:
Palm Sunday Mass (March 28th) Vatican Noon & 8PM; Notre Dame 10AM
Chrism Mass (March 30th) Cathedral of the Holy Cross Boston 11AM & 4PM
Holy Thursday (April 1st) Vatican Chrism Mass 3PM; Cathedral of the Holy Cross Boston Liturgy 8PM (Coverage begins at 7:30PM)
Good Friday (April 2) Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Solemn Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion 3PM, Vatican Good Friday Service 5PM & Way of the Cross 8PM. Also a Good Friday special hosted by Fulton Sheen will air at 11AM.
Easter Vigil (April 3rd) Vatican 4PM, Boston 8PM & Rebroadcast 3:30AM
Easter Sunday (April 12th) Notre Dame Mass 10AM, Vatican Noon; Boston 7PM; Vatican again at 8PM.