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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How To Get Children and Adults to Go to Confession? Author Will Discuss Confession During Live CatholicTV Interview

On March 2nd, Catholic convert and author Elizabeth Ficocelli will discuss the Joy of Reconciliation during her live interview on the CatholicTV talk show “This is the Day”. Part of her regular presentation on reconciliation includes tips on promoting enthusiasm for confession amongst children and adults.

“This is the Day” will air at 10:30AM ET at CatholicTV.com and on CatholicTV.

In her normal 45-minute presentation on confession, Elizabeth discusses the numerous obstacles and misperceptions that prevent most Catholics from participating in and reaping the benefits from the sacrament of reconciliation, a most important encounter with Jesus Christ.

Her presentation looks at the gift of reconciliation, both in terms of God’s forgiveness as well as the many graces associated with confession that help Catholics to grow in holiness. Elizabeth shares her own miraculous experience with confession that set her heart on fire for the sacrament and includes tips to help parents foster a similar enthusiasm in themselves and their children. Elizabeth is the author of several award winning books, including A Child’s Guide to the Seven Sacraments. To learn more, please visit her website, www.elizabethficocelli.com

Also on “This is the Day” will be Tim Maurer, Author of a Christian children’s book called “Sheep & Goat Go To The Ice Cream Parlor”. Tim will be accompanied by Brenda Falusi, who is on several committees at St. Matthew’s Parish in Tolland, CT. Brenda is also a Vacation Bible School Director.

Tim is also the founder and president of the Global Institute for Transformation (GIFT). GIFT is a cross-denominational ministry which aims to help Christians live, and love, more like Jesus -- and transform the world. Additional information about the organization may be found at http://institutefortransformation.com/

Episodes of “This is the Day” are available on the site’s archives starting the same night of the broadcast day. All videos at the website are viewable in full-screen. Paste this URL into your browser in order to access the “This is the Day” video archives. http://www.CatholicTV.com/shows/default.aspx?seriesID=72

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