Cardinal Sean O'Malley and Deacon Gregory Vozzo (photo: Gregory L. Tracy)
On May 22nd, CatholicTV will air the Mass of Ordination from the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston. The three men being ordained to the priesthood are Deacons Guy Sciacca, Daniel Moloney, and Gregory Vozzo.
Cardinal Seán O’Malley described the transitional deaconate ordination of the same 3 men in his blog saying, “Though every ordination is a great blessing, this was certainly [a] small class for us. It was a visible reminder of the situation the Church was in six years ago.
In fact, it is a testimony to the faith of these men that they had the courage to come forward, even at that very difficult time. As I often say, following the Gospel is the ultimate counter-cultural action.” The transitional deaconate Mass took place earlier this year and also aired at CatholicTV.com and CatholicTV.
The Ordination Mass on May 22nd will air at 9AM and will be rebroadcast at 8PM. It will be rebroadcast again on Sunday at 1PM.
Before attending the seminary, Deacon Daniel Moloney, attended Yale University and received his doctorate from the University of Notre Dame.
More information about Deacon Daniel Moloney can be found at http://www.bostoncatholic.org/Events-Calendar/Event-Detail.aspx?id=14734
Before attending seminary, Guy Sciacca was a Financial Administrator at Harvard University for more than 16 years. Deacon Sciacca is quoted on the Office of Vocations website as saying, “Prayer is the center of my life. If I do not pray then I don't consider my day to be complete. It is important for me to begin my day by getting on my knees and asking the Lord for the grace for what I may need for the day. Throughout the day, I call on the Lord often, when daily life seems to overwhelm me and I am brought back to what is really important.”
More information about Deacon Guy Sciacca can be found at http://www.vocationsboston.org/StandardProductCatalogue_ProductDetails.aspx?ProductID=38
Deacon Gregory Vozzo said, “seminary life isn't as strict as I thought it might be. I'm not giving up being the person I was before; just becoming a better person - that is, more oriented toward Christ, more balanced and mature, and happier than I've ever been in my life.”
More information about Deacon Gregory Vozzo can be found at http://www.vocationsboston.org/StandardProductCatalogue_ProductDetails.aspx?ProductID=51
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