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This week:
(all times Eastern)
Christian Witness: New. Drs Angela and David Franks talk with people who work to build a culture of love and life rooted in the New Evangelization. Guest: Monsignor James Moroney speaks about the role of the Liturgy in Evangelization.
Watch: Sun 4am, Wed 10:30am, Thurs 8:30pm, Sat 4pm
We've Got To Talk: New. Fr Dan continues CatholicTV's longest running studio series. This week's topic- "Signs of Compassion".
Watch: Sun 6:30am, Mon 2pm, Wed 9am, Fri 8:30pm, Sat 12:30pm
One Billion Stories: New. Join Seth DeMoor as he continues sharing the stories of Catholics around the world. This week we hear from Catholics whose lives were touched by Pope John Paul II.
Watch: Mon 4:30pm, Tues 12am & 9pm, Fri 6pm, Sat 12pm and 11pm
Spotlight: Encore. The film fathers look at Oz The Great and Powerful in this episode of Spotlight, CatholicTV's movie review show.
Watch: Mon 6pm, Tues 8:30pm, Wed 4am, Fri 4:30pm, Sat 10:30am and 10:30pm
WOW: The CatholicTV Challenge: New. Father Robert Reed tests 3rd graders' knowledge in the 9th season of WOW. This week's "Wudabout": The Pope.
Watch: Mon 7:30pm, Tues 5pm, Wed 8:30am, Thurs 1am, Fri 6:30am
This is the Day: New.
Tuesday 10/1- Tony Ryan, Marketing Director at Igatius Press joins us to speak about St Josephine Bakhita.
Watch: LIVE Tues 10:30am ET, Tue 7:30pm, Wed 4:30am and 5:30pm, Thurs 12am.
Friday 10/4- Jimmy Becker joins us to talk about Biking For Babies, which raises funds for pro-life causes.
Watch: LIVE Fri 10:30am ET, Frid 7:30pm, Sat 4:30am and 5:30pm, Mon 12am.
The Gist: New. Rachel, Danielle, and Carolee speak with Greg and Julie Alexander, authors of Marriage 911: How God Saved Our Marriage (And Can Save Yours Too).
Watch: Tue 11am and 8pm, Wed 5 am & 6pm, Thurs 12:30am
11th Annual Worldwide Children's Eucharistic Holy Hour: Special.
Watch: Fri 12pm ET, 5pm.
Papal Visit to Assisi: Special. Pope Francis visits Assisi on the feast of his patron, St Francis of Assisi.
Watch: LIVE Fri 5am ET, rebroadcast at 8pm.
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