CatholicTV is now airing a series called “In Your Faith”. It is an upbeat show where young hosts show how “cool” the Catholic faith is. CatholicTV is a nationally-broadcasted television station headquartered near Boston.
“In Your Faith” showcases the Catholic faith in practical terms so that viewers both young and old can easily understand. Hosts of the show include Byron who says that “positivity is my way of life” and who enjoys playing basketball. Another host, Chantal Elie playfully admits that she “grew up amongst the cows in a small town”. As a graduate in theatre, she livens up the show with her sense of humor and antics.
The show is full of energetic music, interviews, and attempts to answer real-world questions such as:
-Why do bad things happen?
-Why be Catholic?
-Why doesn’t the Church get with the times?
-Where do I fit into the world?
The show’s intended audience is high-school aged, but that makes the show even more effective at evangelizing adults since the language and themes are simple and go straight to the point.
“In Your Faith” airs each at week at these times (EST): Monday- 5:30AM; Tuesday- 4:30PM; Thursday- 4:30AM; Friday- 8AM; Saturday- 9:30PM; Sunday 12:30AM.
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