On October 20th, Jim Penrice, author of the book Living the Eucharist Through Sports, will appear on the CatholicTV talk show “This is the Day”. Jim is also a member of Catholic Athletes For Christ which includes numerous well-known Catholic professional athletes and coaches. In his book, Jim says, “An athlete’s pledge to their teammates, coaches, and fans has Eucharistic overtones: “This is my body, which will be given up for you.”
“The book reflects on sports as a profound way to live the Eucharist, joining us to Jesus, the greatest athlete ever”, said Jim about his book. The book offers an athletic perspective on the Mass, Eucharistic adoration, the sacrament of Reconciliation, the Rosary, prayer, humility, and suffering, among other topics.
Jim is a popular speaker on the catechetical opportunities in sports. He serves as Pastoral Associate/Adult Faith Formation at St. Mary Parish in Spring Lake, Michigan. Jim believes that sports are enormously popular and rich in catechetical potential. His book offers ways to use sports to connect people of all ages to their faith.
Jim’s interview can be seen on Tuesday, October 20th live at 10:30AM (EST) on CatholicTV where available (rebroadcast at 8PM). The show will also be streamed simultaneously at www.CatholicTV.com and will be available on the site’s archives starting Tuesday night. All videos at the website are viewable in full-screen. Paste this URL into your browser in order to access the “This is the Day” video archives. http://www.CatholicTV.org/shows/default.aspx?seriesID=72
4-Time All Star and Boston Red Sox Third Baseman Mike Lowell was recently interviewed by CatholicTV. The interview can be viewed at http://www.catholictv.com/shows/default.aspx?seriesID=72&videoID=326. The interview starts at 13 minutes and 12 seconds into the episode.
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