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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Denver and Rockford, Illinois Dioceses as Well as Others Add CatholicTV Widget To Their Websites

The CatholicTV widget has been added to Denver’s Archdiocesan website, the Rockford, Illinois Diocesan website, and many other sites as word continues to spread about the widget.

The CatholicTV widget (called CatholicTVjr) is a video player with over 30 different television programs each with as many as 27 full episodes of Catholic programming. The widget can be added to any website. CatholicTV offers a customizable version of this widget for any website at no charge. CatholicTV is a non-profit corporation.

News of the widget immediately intrigued journalists. Stories about CatholicTVjr were written by the Associated Press, the Boston Globe website, and many others.

The CatholicTV widget was originally designed with parish and diocesan websites in mind, but the widget has been added to many different types of sites. Some of the sites which have added the widget include:

Catholic Mountain the Catholic Website For Men www.Catholicmountain.com

The Denver Archdiocese Website http://www.archden.org

The Rockford, IL Diocese Website http://www.rockforddiocese.org/
CatholicMom.com http://new.catholicmom.com/faith/catholic-news/

The Life Teen and Edge Website of Ss. Peter and Paul Church in Rocklin, CA http://edge-sspeter-paul-net.ecatholicchurches.com/index.cfm?load=page&page=936

The Website of Holy Spirit Church in Atlanta, GA http://www.hsccatl.com/CatholicTV.aspx

The Website of Sacred Heart Parish in Middleboro, MA http://www.sacredheart-middleboro.org/news-events.html

The Catholic Blog by Fr. Austin Fleming http://concordpastor.blogspot.com

The Parish Website of St. Mary’s in Winchester, MA http://www.stmary-winchester.org/parish_info-2.html

Archdiocese of Pondicherry in Pondicherry, India: http://www.archdiocesepondicherry.com/catholic.html

More information including how to add the CatholicTV widget CatholicTVjr to any website can be found at www.CatholicTVjr.com.

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