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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Father Robert Reed Interviewed on NPR

Father Robert Reed Interviewed on NPR

On April 19, National Public Radio (NPR) aired an interview featuring Father Robert Reed, Director of CatholicTV during its program “All Things Considered”. The interview focused on CatholicTV’s recent announcement of the availability of 3-D videos on CatholicTV.com; and a 3-D edition of the CatholicTV monthly magazine which included 3-D glasses.

Father Reed discussed the use of the 3D technology to evangelize with NPR’s Art Silverman. Father Reed said that while it was a bit “gimmicky” the idea is to let people know that the Church makes use of current technologies to attract people to the core message of the Good News. Use of social media, high tech innovation, and a compelling message is essential to evangelization he said.

This edition of the All Things Considered program featured input from New York University Professor Angela Zito and Rabbi Mark Golub as well.

During the NPR interview, Art Silverman asked, “if 3-D technology can take us under the water, could it let us see someone special walk on water?”

A transcript and audio recording of this edition of All Things Considered is available at: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=126114974

CatholicTV recently received national attention following an Associated Press story about the launch of new 3-D programming by CatholicTV. CatholicTV’s 3-D programs can be viewed now at www.3DCatholicTV.com.

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