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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ordination Mass of Kansas Bishop and Vespers From Vatican to Air on CatholicTV in February

On February 2nd at 8 p.m.ET, CatholicTV will air the Celebration of Vespers from the Vatican with Pope Benedict XVI.

On February 8th at noon, CatholicTV will air the Ordination and Installation Mass of Father John Brungardt as the new Bishop of the Diocese of Dodge City, Kansas. The Mass will be rebroadcast at 8 p.m.

Both of these broadcasts will stream from CatholicTV.com and will air simultaneously on CatholicTV cable outlets.

Archived Papal Programming can be accessed any time at http://www.CatholicTV.com/Pope-Benedict-xvi (including Papal Visit to Spain, England and more).

Footage of other major events in the American Catholic Church and the Vatican can be viewed at http://www.CatholicTV.com/catholic-television.aspx.

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