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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Private College Which Wants To “Clearly Proclaim” Its Catholic Identity Will Be Discussed on Live CatholicTV Talk Show

On February 8th, the renewal and renaming of The College of Saint Mary Magdalen (CSMM) will be discussed on the live CatholicTV talk show “This is the Day”.

Tim Van Damm from CSMM will be interviewed on the set of This is the Day.

“The change in name reflects The College’s desire to clearly proclaim our Catholic identity, to bring greater honor to our patroness, Saint Mary Magdalen, and to stand firmly with The Church in the commitment to the New Evangelization.”, says the CSMM website.

In addition to a new name, The College of Saint Mary Magdalen also renewed the program of studies. George Harne, The College’s Academic Dean stated “we have given Catholic philosophers, theologians, historians, poets, and artists the prominent voice they deserve within any liberal arts program that is worthy of being called Catholic.”

In an interview with The National Catholic Register, CSMM President Jeffrey Karls said, “Through our name change we have sought to place a greater emphasis on our patroness, St. Mary Magdalen, and the original spirit of the college. St. Mary Magdalen had converted to Christ and was the first layperson who witnessed the Resurrection of Christ, addressing him at that first meeting as “Rabboni,” which means “Teacher.” She then became the apostle to the Apostles, announcing the Resurrection.

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