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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

America’s Holiest Videos? CatholicTV Urges Viewers to Send In Videos

CatholicTV is urging its viewers and website visitors to send videos to CatholicTV for display at CatholicTV.com, and CatholicTV. Submitted videos even have potential to be added to CatholicTV’s new television widget (called CatholicTVjr) which plays CatholicTV’s shows on various websites.

The fastest method of delivering video to CatholicTV is to visit the following URL: http://www.CatholicTV.com/utility/submit-video.aspx and to submit a video of 12MB or less.

Many CatholicTV viewers watch CatholicTV for free at its website which in the past 30 days has had visitors from 135 different countries. Accepted videos will have wide-reaching exposure at CatholicTV.com.

CatholicTV is a nationally-broadcasted television network headquartered near Boston. CatholicTV streams its broadcast simultaneously, 24 hours a day at www.CatholicTV.com

In order for a video to be broadcast on CatholicTV (as opposed to the iCatholic section of CatholicTV.com), the video must be broadcast quality and a DVD can be sent to CatholicTV for review.

Some approved videos can be viewed now by visiting http://www.Catholiclife.tv/

More information on the free CatholicTV widget CatholicTVjr can be found at www.CatholicTVjr.com.

Submitted videos are moderated by CatholicTV and not all videos submitted will be aired or added online.

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