On November 27th, author John Desjarlais, author of the mystery novel “Bleeder” will be interviewed on the CatholicTV talk show “This is the Day”. The novel involves the apparent murder or miraculous death of a priest who bleeds to death in front of his congregation on Good Friday.
CatholicTV is a nationally-broadcasted television network headquartered near Boston. CatholicTV streams its broadcast simultaneously, 24 hours a day at www.CatholicTV.com
Desjarlais will discuss his novel during his interview on “This is the Day”. “Murder mysteries in general get close to our deepest motives and fears, showing humans in extremis. Such stories have a built-in opportunity to explore life's higher mysteries – not just the mystery of death, but the mystery of undeserved suffering.” says Desjarlais.
A former producer with Wisconsin Public Radio, Desjarlais teaches journalism and English at Kishwaukee College in Malta, Ill. His short fiction has appeared in a variety of magazines. A member of Mystery Writers of America, he is listed in Who’s Who in Entertainment and Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers. Desjarlais is also a member of the Catholic Writers Guild.
John Desjarlais’ interview can be seen on Friday, November 27th live at 10:30AM (EST) on CatholicTV where available (rebroadcast at 8PM). The show will also be streamed simultaneously at www.CatholicTV.com and will be available on the site’s archives starting Friday night. All videos at the website are viewable in full-screen. Paste this URL into your browser in order to access the “This is the Day” video archives. http://www.CatholicTV.org/shows/default.aspx?seriesID=72
Readers may visit http://www.johndesjarlais.com/ for reviews, photos, links related to the novel, and interaction with the author.

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