Our Blessed Mother appeared to a convert to the faith, Juan Diego in 1531. Juan shared this vision with the Bishop of Mexico City. Juan asked that the Bishop comply with Our Lady's request to have a church built. As Father Reed shares in his homily, the bishop was skeptical and asked Juan for proof of the apparition. Juan explained his plight to Our Lady and she asked him to have faith to gather flowers and bring them to the Bishop. Juan did so and carried the flowers in his cloak, which is called a tilma. When Juan Diego opened his tilma, everyone present fell to their knees before the image of Our Lady, which had appeared on the rough cloth. A church was built on the site of apparitions, which houses the tilma which pilgrims flock to each year, miracles continue to be attributed to the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
CatholicTV also will air some wonderful productions from the 127th Annual Convention of the Knights of Columbus which took place in Phoenix Arizona. The conference was followed by the First International Marian Congress on Our Lady of Guadalupe. It was during these events that Supreme Knight, Carl Anderson and Monsignor Chávez presented their book on Our Lady of Guadalupe. It is on the New York Time best sellers list.
On the feast day, CatholicTV will air the Guadalupe Festival and the International Rosary at noon and 8pm (ET).
In March CatholicTV will air the presentations which took place at the Congress including speakers Msgr. Eduardo Chávez, postulator of the cause for the canonization of now-St. Juan Diego, rector of the Institute for Guadalupan Studies and a canon of the Basilica of Guadalupe.He co-authored a book on Our Lady of Guadalupe with Supreme Knight Carl Anderson.
Dr. José Aste Tonsmann, a Cornell University graduate of environmental systems engineering, who is now with the Mexican Center of Guadalupan Studies. he will discuss the ophthalmological scientific support behind the miraculous image of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Saint Juan Diego’s tilma.
Supreme Knight Carl Anderson , head of the largest fraternal charitable organization, the Knights of Columbus shares the miracles of faith attributed to the patroness of the Americas , Our Lady of Guadalupe.
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