Jackie Francois was born in a “Von Trapp”-like family, full of musical talent. While participating in high school peer ministry, Josh Blakesley “vowed to be "sold out" for Christ and to use his gift of writing music to glorify God.” At the present, both Jackie and Josh write and perform Catholic music.
During the week starting July 26th, “The Commons”, a Catholic music show from spiritandsong.com which airs on the CatholicTV network, will feature Jackie Francois and Josh Blakesley. Josh will sing and discuss the song “Sing Hosanna”. Jackie will sing and discuss the song “your Kingdom is Glorious”.
“The Commons” airs each week at CatholicTV.com and on CatholicTV at the following times (Eastern): Monday 6AM and 9:30PM, Thursday 2AM, Saturday, 11:30AM and 9:30PM.
Jackie Francois is a singer/songwriter/guitarist, speaker, and youth minister from Placentia, CA (the less well known part of “The OC”).
In July 2007, Jackie moved back to Placentia, CA to begin full time music ministry, serving the wider Catholic Church. Jackie is currently a host for SpiritandSong.com's webcast, "The Commons," and for spiritandsong.com's Perfect Playlist Podcasts.
More information about Jackie can be found at http://www.jackiefrancois.com/index.html

Josh Blakesley
In addition to composing and recording music, Josh Blakesley serves as young adult coordinator and assistant music director at Our Lady of Prompt Succor Catholic Church in Alexandria, Louisiana. He travels many weekends to other parishes throughout the U.S. doing concerts, conducting workshops for musicians, speaking at youth rallies and conferences, and leading praise and worship.
More information about Josh can be found at http://www.joshblakesley.com/
“The Commons”, is a coffee house-styled music show which includes performances by Catholic musicians such as Jesse Manibusan, Matt Maher, Sarah Hart, and others. “The Commons” also includes interviews of the musicians in which viewers can get a glimpse into the lives and spirituality of the musicians.
“The Commons” is produced by spiritandsong.com (a division of ocp). “The Commons” is a video showcase giving viewers an opportunity to experience candid conversations with intimate and unplugged performances by your favorite spiritandsong.com artists. Learn more about the artists, and Spirit and Song at http://www.spiritandsong.com/commons
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