In 2010, the CatholicTV® Network launched its own social networking site at iCatholic.com. Since its inception, members have formed a unique prayer and support community.
One member from New Mexico recently started a discussion at the site’s forums requesting prayers for his daughter who suffered cardiac arrest after a sudden illness. Many members began praying and the girl recently was able to smile after recovering from a coma.
One member from New York state wrote: “Wonderful news about Kristin* smiling! Maybe she's seeing Jesus and can't tell us ... you never know. I don't even know her, but I really love this little girl. May God continue to improve her condition, healing her of everything, one step at a time. All in His loving Will.”
Not only have iCatholic members formed a prayer community, but they also use the site to ask advice from one another and share stories about their faith. For example, in one recent popular discussion, a member from Hudson, Massachusetts asked how to best deal with workplace gossip. Another member from Salt Lake City shared the story of how he and his wife experienced the supernatural scent of roses when visiting the relics of St. Therese of Lisieux.
What makes the iCatholic Online Community unique is the amount of Catholic content. For example, members have posted videos about Catholic persecution by the Nazi’s during World War II, videos of pro-life speakers, music videos by Catholic artists and much more.
The very popular social networking site, 4marks.com will go offline this week. Father Robert Reed extended an invitation to discover iCatholic.com: “As a member of 4Marks, I am sad to see this creative and well maintained site for Catholics end its service. It is my sincere hope that many more Catholics and those interested in the Church will discover iCatholic.com as a powerful way to connect with fellow believers and find fellowship and prayerful support.”
*name changed for privacy
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