So, here we go again. Our annual season of owning up to sin, of asking God to help us change our lives. A time of self denial, of giving and of prayer for a better life. Perhaps you are aware that the word ‘Lent’ comes from the old English word for Spring, ‘Lenten’ or ‘lengthen’ – so called because the days get longer, the darkness recedes and there is more light. So, these forty days are a perfect chance to become more like Jesus Who is the light of our world; to become more what we were created to be…to develop a deep friendship with the God who created us. And the Lord reminds us of three ways to do just that: fasting, giving alms and prayer.
As you know, it all begins with ashes. Let’s not forget that this sign imposed on our heads is really a call to interior change and a reminder that life in this world is finite, but God is eternal. Herein lies the great opportunity of these coming forty days: come back to Jesus; live more as He lived this life…always with the hope that we will live with Him in glory!
So, however you get from ashes to Easter, that will be up to you this year. Really try to make this Lent a time when you become more like the Lord Jesus. Don’t be afraid to change and to you offer yourself, your life to God and to those around you. Lent is a wonderful opportunity. Go to www.CatholicTV.com/Lent for all of the CatholicTV Network's Lenten Programming information.
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