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Monday, March 11, 2013

Prayer Requests | Musings from Rome

This is just a quick post to thank all of you who have left comments or have contacted me.  I am enjoying the conversations. 

It can feel quite isolating when you are away from home even in the beautiful city of Rome.  I would like to tell all of you who have asked for prayers while I am in Rome that I will certainly do that when I am in St. Peter's at Blessed Pope John Paul II's tomb. 
In a special way I will remember a young man Mike who is engaged and PJ and of course Kevin's father-in-law.  I will also remember all those who have written in and asked that their named or someone they know be put in the prayer box. 

I know that Father Reed remembers those people everyday and I will do the same while I am in Rome.  If you would like a person remembered while I am here please leave their name in the comments.  I ask that you also remember my family, the CatholicTV Staff and me in your prayers.

Your friend,


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